Results: 144Comments by: joshwill80
File: Broker Reincarnation08-12-08
Posted By: joshwill80
can you re-upload your fix? i updated and i'm still seeing the same error. i'm assuming the upload did not take.
File: ShieldsUp08-12-08
water shield
Posted By: joshwill80
the fix that you did to prevent showing 0 on recasts seems to work very well for earth shield. however, i now get the incorrect 0 display occasionally with my water shield.
File: Broker Reincarnation08-11-08
Posted By: joshwill80
seeing this error when i mouse over the ACT frame and no tooltip is displaying: AnkhCooldownTimer-\\Core.lua:164: GameTooltip:SetOwner(): Couldn't find 'this' in frame object
File: ShieldsUp08-10-08
Posted By: joshwill80
seeing: ShieldsUp-0\\Core.lua:106: attempt to index global 'self' (a nil value)\nShieldsUp-0\\Core.lua:353: in function \n(tail call) not exactly sure what triggers it, but seems to happen when someone joins the party.
File: Creature Comforts08-07-08
Posted By: joshwill80
did a clean install from the version here on wowinterface. checked the lib folder and the toc, and everything is in order. the options are still not showing up though and no errors are being thrown to bugsack. i don't see how, but could it be a problem with addon loader again?
File: Creature Comforts08-07-08
Posted By: joshwill80
checked the toc, the config files were commented out. my updater updated it from wowace and it looks like you forgot to uncomment those files. i have not tested in game yet, but i'm assuming it should work fine now.
File: Creature Comforts08-07-08
Originally posted by Phanx Any of...
Posted By: joshwill80
Originally posted by Phanx Any of these commands should get you there: /creature /comforts /cc However, it should already be in the Blizzard interface options before you use a slash command. If none of the above are working for you... are you getting any error messages? Do you have Lua error display enabled, or an error-ca...
File: ShieldsUp08-07-08
options reset
Posted By: joshwill80
the options are resetting upon every ui reload with the newest version.
File: Creature Comforts08-07-08
Posted By: joshwill80
how do you view the new configuration? not seeing it in the blizz options or anywhere else. slash commands are also not bringing anything up.
File: Coconuts08-07-08
aquatic form
Posted By: joshwill80
something else i noticed is that if you are swimming and something attacks you, the button is changed to druid travel form. you would rather use aquatic form in those situations. would work better i think if swimming had priority over being in combat.
File: ShieldsUp08-06-08
Posted By: joshwill80
having lots of problems with today's version. sv resets and many of the options are broken, some of them spitting out errors (like the font size option). sorry, i don't have the exact error on hand right now. also seeing the error unlit posted, which appears to be a typo.
File: Coconuts08-04-08
a few things
Posted By: joshwill80
so finally got around to installing this, it's very nice. a few things that i would like to see in future versions: -default to travel forms when moving. would work well with druid and shammy instant cast travel forms. something i always i wanted in my macros, but could never figure out how to implement. -right click for travel f...
File: Creature Comforts07-31-08
Originally posted by Phatrik My h...
Posted By: joshwill80
Originally posted by Phatrik My hunter is 67 now, with a wind serpent. These buggers eat only Fish, Cheese and Bread. Still with food (Zangar Trout, ItemID:29452) for my pet in my bags, my chatframe start slowly filling up with "You don't have any food for XXX." messages. seeing the same chat spam for my level 27 cat even thoug...
File: Coconuts07-31-08
travel form
Posted By: joshwill80
have been waiting to see travel form support before i used this. seen that you added it, but how does it work exactly? hoping that it will automatically use travel form if you are in combat. --------------------------------------------- also wondering, does it support the druid aquatic form while swimming?
File: ImprovedMerchant07-23-08
Posted By: joshwill80
seeing this error: ImprovedMerchant-159e\\ImprovedMerchant.lua:367: attempt to compare number with nil\nImprovedMerchant-159e\\ImprovedMerchant.lua:409: in function `CreateMerchantItem'\nImprovedMerchant-159e\\ImprovedMerchant.lua:472: in function `PopulateMerchantList'\nImprovedMerchant-159e\\ImprovedMerchant.lua:509: in function...
File: ImprovedMerchant07-19-08
for me
Posted By: joshwill80
it's still not filtering correctly even for items without gems. screenshot link:
File: ImprovedMerchant07-19-08
its rb
Posted By: joshwill80
ratingbuster can fill in possible gems for you and it will apply that to the stat summary. see the grayed out gem in the screenshot? thats a feature of rating buster. -------------------------- and i believe ratingbuster will also apply possible socket bonuses to the stat summary as well.
File: ImprovedMerchant07-19-08
dressing room and ratingbuster
Posted By: joshwill80
tried v133 and still having problems with ratingbuster. this screeny might explain things better. the item shown had no healing itself, but ratingbuster places a fake gem in it and shows how much healing i would lose. improvedmerchant is reading the rating buster info and thinking the item has healing on it. i know for sure that the...
File: ImprovedMerchant07-19-08
Posted By: joshwill80
thank you for the reply. Skillet shows a "buy reagents" button that looks like and is positioned pretty much like the StealYourCarbon button. it only displays if you have something in que in your skillet tradeskill window (the button is only displayed sometimes is why you probably could not tell that it does indeed have a merchant bu...
File: ImprovedMerchant07-19-08
Posted By: joshwill80
the search filter seems to be picking up on my tooltip information from RatingBuster. i have healing set up to display in RatingBuster's summary and healing gem's set up to display in the gem slots. so items without +healing are still showing up when i search for "healing". would there be any way you could make ImprovedMerchant ignor...
File: ImprovedMerchant07-19-08
Posted By: joshwill80
this is a very nice addon, really helps when trying to buy some of the badge gear. only thing i have noticed so far is that the filter and search boxes overlaps with some of the other addons i use. specifically it covers up the buttons from these two addons: StealYourCarbon (
File: Quests2Watch07-18-08
Posted By: joshwill80
seeing this upon login: Quests2Watch-1.0\\core.lua:18: attempt to index global 'StopwatchTicker' (a nil value)\nInterface\\FrameXML\\QuestTimerFrame.lua:11: in function `QuestTimerFrame_OnEvent':\n:\"*:OnEvent\":1: in function <:1>\n\n
File: Quests2Watch07-17-08
Posted By: joshwill80
i was thinking to myself that blizz should of just used the stopwatch for timed quests. i always hated the timed quests block cause it was not moveable. one question though, will this pop up the stopwatch for a timed quest even if the stopwatch is hidden? hoping so because i have mine hidden and timed quests is probably the only t...
File: Clique06-08-08
tainting of grid frames?
Posted By: joshwill80
i'm having a problem with my Grid frames being tainted. if someone joins my group when in combat, or if i dc and log back on while others are in combat, the party frames will overlap the border and become unclickable. everything returns to normal after combat is over. not such a big problem, but has caused some deaths and a wipe....
File: AuctionFilterPlus05-30-08
Re: Going the extra step
Posted By: joshwill80
Originally posted by DeFood AuctionFilterPlus is a good start. Unfortunately it no longer seems usable as the related addons seem to have dropped into unsupported unuse. Basically, what are my choices for continuing to avoid auctioneer? AuctionFilterPlus gives the modifications to the auction list. Jowever, I still need addon...