Results: 128Comments by: kellewic
File: GatherSage203-01-09
Re: Tooltip text joining bug?
Posted By: kellewic
Originally posted by RHuebner Has anyone noticed a bug where some text lines in tooltips have the left and right side text concatenated together as left text instead of being properly split? E.G., the Thunderclap warrior skill tooltip will say "Instant6 Second Cooldown" on the left, instead of "Instant" on the left and "6 Second C...
File: GatherSage201-30-09
New version: 2009-01-28
Posted By: kellewic
Just uploaded a new version. No functionality changes, just updated: * deDE locale files with name changes * Herbalism has its own locale file now, others will follow this paradigm soon. * Added many more creatures and items that herbalists can gather. * Updated skinning locale and module files with new data. Hoping to provi...
File: GatherSage201-27-09
Originally posted by DSanai Thank...
Posted By: kellewic
Originally posted by DSanai Thanks for taking this over! I've been so busy over the last year, I only just now saw your PM. Great work, I'll be installing this over my old one tonight. At some point I hope to have time to write mods again, but please feel free to continue to support this one; just let me know if, at any point in...
File: GatherSage201-19-09
Re: Re: Skinning data fixed
Posted By: kellewic
Originally posted by oddtoddy Thanks for your hard work on this project. Thanks for the support!
File: GatherSage201-19-09
Skinning data fixed
Posted By: kellewic
I uploaded a new version to fix the skinning data. This is the only change in the new version. Still working on ways to fix tooltip oddities related to combat and skinning.
File: GatherSage201-16-09
Skinning issue
Posted By: kellewic
Just an update on an issue I was unaware of until yesterday. The skinning data in the last version is not 100% accurate. I didn't realize Wowhead limits the number of items per query to 200 so I missed a bunch of skinning information. I have corrected the issue with a new script that pulls data properly from Wowhead (and is nice...
File: GatherSage201-08-09
New version 2009-01-08
Posted By: kellewic
I just posted a new version that includes a ton of skinning information. The internal code changes were fairly extensive and I, as well as others, have been testing this version for about 2 weeks now. If you find any issues, please post them here and I will work through them as soon as I am able (which is usually pretty fast :))...
File: TipTac01-04-09
Posted By: kellewic
Is it possible to either make an option or just change how players of the opposite faction are colored in the tooltip? It's a little weird I get a blue background (friendly) when I mouse over a horde player. This will happen unless the horde player is flagged as PVP and we are not in a PVP Sanctuary. So a horde running through...
File: GatherSage201-03-09
Originally posted by RHuebner So...
Posted By: kellewic
Originally posted by RHuebner So far the new beta is working well, just a couple of small issues and a question. In the new GUI (nice!), the checkbox for whether a module should record starts out disabled (as in unclickable, not as in unchecked) on skills which the player has, for which the module defaulted to enabled. The sk...
File: GatherSage201-03-09
New beta version for testing
Posted By: kellewic
If anyone is interested in the new beta version, you can download it from I'd appreciate any testing, comments, suggestions, etc you can provide. The biggest change for data is inclusion of about 1,400 skinning items. You can now see what a skinnable creature...
File: GatherSage212-31-08
Originally posted by RHuebner I h...
Posted By: kellewic
Originally posted by RHuebner I hadn't even noticed that quests and skills used different shades of orange/yellow/green. Weird. Notes for 2008-12-30 beta (you've probably found and fixed most of these already, but just to be thorough): Skinnable skill line still red or gray, not blue; color not yet set when tested for chan...
File: GatherSage212-30-08
Originally posted by RHuebner OK,...
Posted By: kellewic
Originally posted by RHuebner OK, skinning skill color tiers are weird. I hacked my copy of the mod to log the original tooltip's Skinnable/Requires line to the chat window in the original color, and put in the change to assume +25,+50,+85 skinning skill tiers, and I'm seeing lots of discrepancies. The tiers aren't the same for...
File: GatherSage212-29-08
Originally posted by RHuebner Goo...
Posted By: kellewic
Originally posted by RHuebner Good deal, thank you. Just FYI, I think the mining proficiencies wiki chart is suffering from the same condition. It also appears to mostly follow the +25, +50, +100 pattern. And checking the history pages for both shows many corrections still being made to each as an ongoing issue, even for old mat...
File: GatherSage212-29-08
Originally posted by RHuebner Wel...
Posted By: kellewic
Originally posted by RHuebner Well, I edited the wiki page to fix Stranglekelp and Bruiseweed, and left a discussion page note about the other probable errors. Hopefully someone will be able to verify or correct them as needed before too long. Don't know what the other comments about how hard it is to edit the table were all ab...
File: GatherSage212-28-08
Originally posted by RHuebner Tha...
Posted By: kellewic
Originally posted by RHuebner Thanks for taking on this project, it's a great mod. I play many alts, almost all of which are dual gatherers, so this is really useful. Thanks for using it :) GatherSage was the original and I used that until WoW 3.x broke it. At first I just fixed my local version, but then wanted it to do m...
File: GatherSage212-27-08
Newer Version
Posted By: kellewic
I have already been working on a follow-up version to add a LOT of skinning data. I have also added inscription data so if you mouse over pigments it will tell you what inks can be made (even though it still says "Chance of", which I will likely change to "Will produce" for those instances). Alabaster Pigment produced a slight...
File: JewelTips12-27-08
Thanks for the mod and I'm glad I f...
Posted By: kellewic
Thanks for the mod and I'm glad I found it. Was always wondering what gems and chants I put on my stuff :) One request... do you think you can add support for LinkWrangler ItemRef tips? LinkWrangler provides an API for mods to hook in. Also, I found an enchant that must not be included: 3816 - Arcanum of the Flame's Soul
File: GatherSage212-25-08
Yeah, I screwed it up :) But, I...
Posted By: kellewic
Yeah, I screwed it up :) But, I just posted a new version that is embedded in the tooltip with skinning enabled now. It took a bit, but I figured out a way to make it work. Disregard this version for now. Originally posted by tinyu Date: 2008-12-24 18:39:34 ID: 1 Error occured in: Global Count: 4 Message: ..\AddOns\G...
File: GatherSage212-25-08
New Version
Posted By: kellewic
A new version of GatherSage2 has been posted. This includes some bug fixes and skinning. For Skinning, I only included some static data in the skinning module. This means as you encounter skinnable creatures, the skinning module will remember them. As it remembers them, you will see what a creature can be skinned for on live creat...
File: GatherSage212-22-08
Posted By: kellewic
This version is a new test version of GatherSage2. It is not a patch and was tagged as such incorrectly.
File: GatherSage212-22-08
Re: errors with update 12-18-2008
Posted By: kellewic
The first error is caused by me being stupid and doing: if (not CowTip and not CowTip:SomeFunc()) which says if there is nothing called CowTip, try to call a function on it... not too smart :) The second error looks related to the first. Originally posted by Jaim Sandar When cursor over minimap vein blip (dump fro...
File: GatherSage212-22-08
Re: 12-18 update?
Posted By: kellewic
Originally posted by Jaim Sandar What is the "patch" posted at ? I installed that, but get a lot of errors. See the comments on tha page for details of the errors. Also, what is the difference between this AddOn and another one called "GatherSage"? http://www.w...
File: GatherSage212-22-08
Re: missing herb
Posted By: kellewic
Originally posted by stanchubb like your addon. missing herb: Swiftthistle keep on the good work. Swiftthistle is in there. It's not something that can be picked by itself, but something that is gained while picking Mageroyal or Briarthorn. When you mouse over one of those 2 items you...
File: Broker Factions12-14-08
Posted By: kellewic
Any chance to add scrolling to the tooltip? An example of this is the faction plugin for FuBar. I have over 50 factions in my list and need to set the scaling to .7 and then it barely fits on my screen (and I have 24" monitors set to 1920x1200). If I make it any smaller, it is unreadable. A few other suggestions: Maybe remov...
File: GatherSage212-11-08
Posted By: kellewic
I have the basics of skinning implemented and will hopefully release an update by the end of this weekend. I need to verify it works with other tooltip mods, especially those that modify unit tooltips, which is basically most of them. The skinning module is a bit different in that there is no default static data like the other...