Results: 2278Comments by: Nibelheim
File: oUF_Hank03-05-11
Originally posted by hankthetank...
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by hankthetank Change power.frequentUpdates = true to power.frequentUpdates = 0.1 or any number that suits you. Hmm, I recall trying that. Will give it another shot :) Hah, it works now :) That'll teach me for not double checking my attempts. Thanks again.
File: oUF_Hank03-05-11
Another question :p I'm trying t...
Posted By: Nibelheim
Another question :p I'm trying to get Power updating quicker. power.frequentUpdates is set to true, yet power still updates only every half-second. Any tricks to this?
File: RealUI03-05-11
Re: Re: Love this
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by LamerGamer I love this UI, but I'm having quite a bit of trouble setting it up; Mostly the unit frames. Any particular help with this? As you can see, I'm missing quite a bit of the text, as well as the target's target, and target's target's target. Possibly more, but please point out of anything else is mis...
File: oUF_Hank03-05-11
Originally posted by hankthetank...
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by hankthetank That's a limitation of WoW. Ahh, sou ka. Not to worry, I shall apapt. Was trying to get player energy a little larger, but I've found that making it change color based on energy level is probably adequate. :)
File: RealUI03-04-11
Re: bug reports
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by itsmeandy Hi i submitted a bug report in the bugs section for this addon a while ago. Just discovered that you are active in the comments field. The clock isn't showing and i get the same bug report more than 20 times a second.:confused: Probably means your SLDT is out of date. Update to the latest SLDT...
File: oUF_Hank03-03-11
Quick question, Is there a code...
Posted By: Nibelheim
Quick question, Is there a code limit put on the font size, or is there a limitation of the actual DIN 14151 Engschrift font? Adjusting the font size of texts is easy-peasy, just can't get them past a font size 26~ / 28~. Thanks :)
File: RealUI03-03-11
You know, maybe I'll just stop UI w...
Posted By: Nibelheim
You know, maybe I'll just stop UI work and use Hank's up-and-coming interface :) Some sexy stuff right there.
File: nibSpellAlertConfig03-03-11
Originally posted by suicidalkatt...
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by suicidalkatt openoptions = { type = "execute", name = "Open config...", func = function() TidyPlatesThreat:OpenOptions() InterfaceOptionsFrame_Show() end, order = 20, }, Ah-ha. Tried it that way, and it closed everything. Stuck the InterfaceOptionsFrame_Show() before the OpenOptions an...
File: RealUI03-03-11
Originally posted by anondrian Is...
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by anondrian Is there some setting I am missing in chatter to make the classes be colored on my Rogue all the names of chars in chat are colored, but on my hunter 85% of them arent. Thanks! Do you have a donate link love this UI! Class coloring is built into the default Blizz UI. Right click on the General...
File: Raven03-03-11
A small, but odd, request if I may....
Posted By: Nibelheim
A small, but odd, request if I may. When including addons into my UI, the most important key is whether or not the frames of that addon can be set up so that they'll remain in the correct position regardless of what resolution / UI scale is used. This will either involves the addon having the option to set AnchorTo and AnchorFrom...
File: RealUI03-02-11
Originally posted by litesung Nib...
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by litesung Nib mentioned a macro he used to target his focus' target. It's somewhere in the comments but I can't remember where... Nib, could you repost that macro for us? :D Maybe: /target focustarget PS. 0.7.0 is off to a good start, and it's looking like it's gonna turn out more awesome than Mr.T a...
File: nibSpellAlertConfig03-01-11
Originally posted by suicidalkatt...
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by suicidalkatt You could add "InterfaceOptionsFrame_Show()" to your 'Open Config' button to close the interface options window. I decided to steal your config layout for the next release of threat plates <3. I tried that (just tried again) and it seems to close both the Interface options window and nibSpel...
File: RealUI03-01-11
Hey quick question Nib. My UI se...
Posted By: Nibelheim
Hey quick question Nib. My UI seems to be a little bi-polar. For some reason, my buffs don't show up at the top right at all sometimes. Other times, they're there. It's odd. And if I target someone, it doesn't show their buffs which isn't a big deal and probably isn't supposed to but I wanted to ask if there's a way to get them to...
File: RealUI02-28-11
Re: About Party Grid..
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by Paladintroll Hey Nibelheim, THANK YOU for an epic UI. Been using RealUI since 3.3 patch. Absolutley Love it.. Got a question thou... When I'm in a party as a healer, I find it hard to heal with all members beeing in well, "color blind mode", you know, Black background but colorized names and numb...
File: RealUI02-27-11
Re: something in the air...
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by Pharaonkheops It has been quite a few days now since le last update, though several intergrated addons have seen some update.... Should we think there is something significant on the starting blocks? (a version 0.7??? :D) Nothing significant yet, but should have an update out soon.
File: RealUI02-27-11
Originally posted by TyrannicalDuck...
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by TyrannicalDuck Nothing's ticked. If you want to, you can add me on MSN or something to make this process easier, haha. If you want to it's jpcamden Hmm, if nothing's ticked, then I don't know what could be wrong. If you can find out exactly when it changes, that might narrow it down.
File: RealUI02-27-11
Originally posted by TyrannicalDuck...
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by TyrannicalDuck Which tab is paging tab? I have General Settings, Visibility, State Configuration and Positioning. State Configuration
File: RealUI02-27-11
Originally posted by TyrannicalDuck...
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by TyrannicalDuck Thanks for the quick answer. I checked it and it's bar 3. It literally switches exact places with each other and I can't use my attacks, unless I click on them obviously. In that case, I'd check their paging settings in Bartender's options. /bar Bar 3 Paging tab Check to see if anything...
File: RealUI02-27-11
Originally posted by TyrannicalDuck...
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by TyrannicalDuck Hey quick question, maybe someone knows how to fix this. I've been running this UI for a few weeks and haven't had any problems, but today it's done this weird thing twice. I have two bars at the bottom for attacks, and one bar on the right for food, poisons, hearthstone, etc. Well today i...
File: DevlinUI02-24-11
Originally posted by Devlin Heya...
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by Devlin Heya guys! As I'm back in business, the UI gotta stay updated as well! I put together my most recent package, and I hope it works fine for you guys! Let me know if you encounter any problems with this, and I'll try to correct it as soon as possible. Welcome back to the game :)
File: RealUI02-23-11
Originally posted by Anj Hi Nib....
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by Anj Hi Nib. I'm experiencing some funny pixel imperfectioness. Sometimes the "lines" all around the minimap are one pixel thick, sometimes 2-3. I just change the scale up or down and it seems to fix it but then the same problem keeps coming back. I've heard of pixel perfect "fixes" in other UI's. What is tha...
File: RealUI02-23-11
Re: Questlog
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by r1pt1de One more thing Nib, if you dont mind. I like to us the questguru tracker as it is much more minimalistic in appearance and I can move it wherever I want. My issue is that with NibRealUI enabled, everytime I mouseover or targeta quest mob, or loot a quest item the default questlog pops up in the backgrou...
File: RealUI02-23-11
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Raven VS Satrina Buff Frames
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by Donslaught Don't sweat it, Nib. The UI's not suffering any for it, and my post on whether or not you'd be open to using Raven was 90% for the sake of others (not you) to fool around with it and give what they can to you. Looks like we got another problem. Raven doesn't have anchor settings, not in it's opt...
File: RealUI02-23-11
Re: read only
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by Elzirak sorry if this was asked previously but i don't want to go through 100 pages of comments. anyway i moved wow out of program files and started it up and the ui worked perfectly but i then logged out of that character into another and it didn't prompt me. so i came here and attempted to uncheck the read...
File: RealUI02-22-11
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Raven VS Satrina Buff Frames
Posted By: Nibelheim
Originally posted by Donslaught After reading the short section on installing and configuring on Raven's Curse page, I found this: "When you mouse over an anchor you'll see a tooltip with shortcuts for changing the bar group's configuration and for showing test bars." The more I read on that page, the more it seems like Raven's as...