Results: 212Comments by: Ketho
File: KethoCombatLog10-11-14
looks like some interrupts are repo...
Posted By: Ketho
looks like some interrupts are reported twice If the interrupts are reported twice, then I would think it's a problem with the Blizzard CombatLog I will need a /combatlog dump during those double reported interrupts, otherwise I can't find the problem By any chance... do you also have the addon Juke installed? I noticed the...
File: KethoCombatLog10-10-14
Re: Stuns?
Posted By: Ketho
Maybe I am missing the setting or maybe it is not there. Can your addon also announce stuns such as mighty bash? No, it can't announce stuns :(
File: RaidFadeMore09-25-14
Whenever I have time (almost never)...
Posted By: Ketho
Whenever I have time (almost never) I will add a slider for the fading animation duration. It currently is hardcoded to 0.5 seconds
File: RaidFadeMore08-10-14
Thank you!! Happy to hear that :)
Posted By: Ketho
Thank you!! Happy to hear that :)
File: Juke06-21-14
areyouawizard.jpg No, seriously....
Posted By: Ketho
areyouawizard.jpg No, seriously. There was a little error, but it worked nicely afterwards. for func, delay in pairs(timers) do delay = delay - elapsed I changed it a bit, I'm happy with this :) local timers = {} local Timer = CreateFrame("Frame") Timer:Hide() function Timer:New(func, delay) timers = delay -- add...
File: Juke06-20-14
Sorry for the late reply, Phanx. I...
Posted By: Ketho
Sorry for the late reply, Phanx. I guess I'm not doing this right :p I'm going to just use those individual variables (from line 307) then. It sure is a lot easier. No idea why I wanted to pack and unpack the vararg in the first place :S it just looked so neat~ Actually ... I shamelessly stole the code from http://lua-users.o...
File: KethoInstanceTimer06-17-14
Just a reminder for myself, I switc...
Posted By: Ketho
Just a reminder for myself, I switched the Normal and Heroic scenario difficulty IDs in v1.3 /facepalm
File: KethoCombatLog04-10-14
Thanks for maintaining despite not...
Posted By: Ketho
Thanks for maintaining despite not actively playing ! :) No problem Pangentor :3 Update 2014.04.10: I made an error. The whole death tracking is kinda broken. Fix incoming in v1.17 :( Update 2014.04.17: I made another error. Battleground channel is not filtered again (for party/raid output). Fix will be included in v1.18 and later
File: HideRaidFrame04-10-14
Re: Font
Posted By: Ketho
Hey, a quick question: What font do you use for the name of your addon in the picture? Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work! Very late reply... I think it's Calibri or this chinese one
File: FasterCamera12-17-13
Re: Love it!
Posted By: Ketho
Thank you so much! This makes using the camera in WoW so much better. I love it! :) I also love this addon :)
File: BlockChinese12-17-13
Why unblock Japanese and Korean? Ye...
Posted By: Ketho
Why unblock Japanese and Korean? Yeah, the game's fallback to Unicode fonts works for those, but it also works for Chinese, and it's equally inelegant for all three scripts (it's about half the size of normal chat text). Plus, I can't read any of those languages, so there's not really any point in displaying messages written in them....
File: ReadySetDing11-24-13
Could you add an option to show you...
Posted By: Ketho
Could you add an option to show your own ding on the middle of the screen as well? I don't really like that you're forced to yell it out loud ;-] That option already exists. It's under the Screenshot tab, called "Raid Warning"'. 9 days late reply.
File: AutoConfirmRoll (obsolete)09-18-13
Hey, I can't seem to get it to wo...
Posted By: Ketho
Hey, I can't seem to get it to work after I patched the game for 5.4 Shouldn't it auto DE in the example below? Happened a few more times with greens. Hey ckramme, No .. this addon does not auto roll, or auto DE The only thing it does is auto confirm so you won't get that annoying popup asking...
File: OpenDefaultBag09-03-13
What font are you using on the imag...
Posted By: Ketho
What font are you using on the image? Sorry for the 1 week late reply I think it's this one (quote) That's actually some huge chinese font I got from Office Word 2007 which I'm using as arialn.ttf I don't know what would be the "western characters" counterpart, sorry .. :(
File: HideRaidFrame06-08-13
My problem is that I really dislike...
Posted By: Ketho
My problem is that I really dislike giving up simple access to the raidleader functions the Blizzard RaidManager provides(setting raidicons both in the world an on units, performing role- and readychecks as well as giving everyone assist with a simple click). I think your addon has Broker Support, any chance you could provide those f...
File: HideRaidFrame05-24-13
Since the v1.1 release, the Hard Di...
Posted By: Ketho
Since the v1.1 release, the Hard Disable option is now enabled by default This will remove any taint, but in turn there is a chance other addons that rely, modify, or also try to disable the Raid Frames will throw errors Please use this script if you want to use the Raid Frames again, in case you removed HideRaidFrame: /ru...
File: OpenDefaultBag03-21-13
Re: 5.2 update?
Posted By: Ketho
I realize this addon still works, but it would be nice to get a TOC update when necessary to let those of us that use it know that it is still being maintained, as this doesn't appear to have been updated at all since MoP was released. Sorry for being so slow with the update, NiQil (11 days) It's just TOC bumps now, yes :) I bum...
File: KethoCombatLog03-08-13
Sorry for kinda neglecting this add...
Posted By: Ketho
Sorry for kinda neglecting this addon .. I've quit wow since september 2012 to focus on my education I'm still trying to rewrite it though (with a wow starter edition account). The source code has been divided into smaller, more manageable, files for now. I'm not yet done with the rewrite, but it should kinda work at least in the...
File: ScrollingChatText11-28-12
Get this error with 5.1 And the Ad...
Posted By: Ketho
Get this error with 5.1 And the Addon does not work at all anymore. Not responding to slash commands and DataBroker function broke as well. Hi again Xarl, and thanks for reporting the error. It should be fixed now in the v0.7.0 release (I replaced all instances of BATTLEGROUND to INSTANCE_CHAT)
File: KethoInstanceTimer10-13-12
I just pushed the v1.0 release, and...
Posted By: Ketho
I just pushed the v1.0 release, and I want to say the following: :( Scenarios (and/or Challenges) aren't supported yet. I don't have a level 90 to playtest them, and don't have enough time to level my main from 85 to 90 due to school commitments .. I probably won't be playing WoW for 1 month or longer from now I forgot to up...
File: ScrollingChatText09-19-12
Any chance I can set the output to...
Posted By: Ketho
Any chance I can set the output to whisper? I'm having a lot of fun with this addon relaying trade to guild chat. Sorry Rosoaa, I don't think there currently is an output for whispering The processed text is passed to LibSink (which also controls all the outputs) and I don't have any control over that :( One of the cleaner solut...
File: ScrollingChatText09-17-12
thanks~ :)
Posted By: Ketho
thanks~ :)
File: ScrollingChatText09-16-12
Guild chat is very spammy, but offi...
Posted By: Ketho
Guild chat is very spammy, but officer chat is very important. Can you make them a separate option? I certainly can do that, but let's just say tomorrow is my birthday, and I'm atm behind with school work, so the earliest update would be next weekend :(
File: ScrollingChatText09-16-12
I want officer chat to show up in m...
Posted By: Ketho
I want officer chat to show up in my UI Errors frame. I notice you have basically every other channel, but officer. Oh, sorry for the miscommunication. Officer Chat falls under the Guild Chat option, so if Guild Chat is enabled, then Officer Chat should be too (provided your rank can see Officer Chat) I thought it would be more s...
File: ScrollingChatText09-15-12
Any chance for Officer channel outp...
Posted By: Ketho
Any chance for Officer channel output? You mean, that it "reroutes/broadcasts" any chat into Officer channel instead? That should be possible underOutput -> Channel -> Officer Chat You can only have max 1 current output though, and no idea how multiple outputs would be implemented