Results: 141Comments by: Paolo242
File: FreeUI10-02-11
Colorblind mode: When healing, I...
Posted By: Paolo242
Colorblind mode: When healing, I finally located the frame around the debuffs that is colored based on the type of debuff. For me, it's really hard to see. How would I code it so that instead of coloring the debuff frame, it changes the health bar of that character? further on that, How would I make it change color only if...
File: FreeUI10-02-11
What else? I would probably like mo...
Posted By: Paolo242
What else? I would probably like most of them. If I update DBM will it kill everything? Originally posted by Haleth I've made a lot of cool things in the past which have never been included because they were pointless. :p
File: FreeUI10-02-11
This is really nice music. Did you...
Posted By: Paolo242
This is really nice music. Did you make this?
File: FreeUI10-01-11
Just thought it would be cool. Poin...
Posted By: Paolo242
Just thought it would be cool. Pointless really. But kind of cool
File: FreeUI10-01-11
Just don't let people die so much! :p
Posted By: Paolo242
Just don't let people die so much! :p
File: FreeUI09-30-11
How would I code sFilter to show wh...
Posted By: Paolo242
How would I code sFilter to show when I'm eating/drinking?
File: FreeUI09-30-11
I know what you mean. My job has no...
Posted By: Paolo242
I know what you mean. My job has nothing to do with coding and I get home and still don't want to code!
File: FreeUI09-30-11
No problem. sFilter is one slick mo...
Posted By: Paolo242
No problem. sFilter is one slick mod. Endless possibilities. I gave it 50/50 that you would be annoyed with the triple code posts.. :banana: Originally posted by Haleth Thanks Paolo! Will see about adding that sometime. Aprikot; I'm aware the runebar doesn't actually work currently because of a problem with oUF, if a fix d...
File: FreeUI09-30-11
final bits
Posted By: Paolo242
= { -- Hex {spellId = 51514, size = 32, unitId = "target", isMine = "all", filter = "HARMFUL", setPoint = {"CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 132, 37}}, -- Water Shield, Earth Shield, Lightning Shield {spellId = 52127, spellId2 = 974, spellId3 = 324, size = 32, unitId = "player", isMine = "all", filter = "HELPFUL", set...
File: FreeUI09-30-11
More sfilter
Posted By: Paolo242
}, = { -- Living Bomb {spellId = 44457, size = 64, unitId = "target", isMine = 1, filter = "HARMFUL", setPoint = {"CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 222, -54}}, -- Fingers of Frost (Frost), Arcane Missiles! (Arcane), Hot Streak (Fire) {spellId = 44544, spellId2 = 79683, spellId3 = 48108, size = 64, unitId = "play...
File: FreeUI09-30-11
Right now in the options there are...
Posted By: Paolo242
Right now in the options there are only codes for Paladin and Rogue. Here is a more complete list (most of the positioning will need to be changed on these to suit your needs.) local sFilter_Spells = { = { -- Ebon Plague {spellId = 65142, size = 32, unitId = "target", isMine = 1, filter = "HARMFUL", setPoint = {...
File: FreeUI09-30-11
Someone asked earlier how to change...
Posted By: Paolo242
Someone asked earlier how to change the clock... In stats.lua change the the H to an I. f:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed) last = last + elapsed if last >= freq then _, _, home, world = GetNetStats() text:SetText("|cffffffff"..floor(GetFramerate()).."|r fps |cffffffff"..home.."|r/|cffffffff"
File: FreeUI09-29-11
Thanks for the quick responses. I b...
Posted By: Paolo242
Thanks for the quick responses. I bet the borders are just hard for me to see. :( helpful to know what to look for though. to make the borders larger for the debuffs what would I edit? I combed through the unitframes.lua and couldnt find anything that looked promising. Thanks a lot! Originally posted by Haleth @ Paol...
File: FreeUI09-29-11
One thing I would like to change wo...
Posted By: Paolo242
One thing I would like to change would be to put the spell icon when the target is casting on the left side of the frame rather than the right side. I hope its an easy switch. edit: why doesn't your Brofist addon come in this? it should be included on every install!
File: FreeUI09-28-11
So far I cant think of anything tha...
Posted By: Paolo242
So far I cant think of anything that I would change color wise. I enjoy having the tank and the healer in the same place on each dungeon run. that's been helpful in identifying who is the tank. Also, The heal frames show a lot of debuffs, (awesome) but I can't always tell when it is something I can cleanse or not. (I play a holy p...
File: FreeUI09-28-11
What do you mean by normal health b...
Posted By: Paolo242
What do you mean by normal health bar? Looks pretty normal to me. Hal, I am colorblind and love the colorblind mode. Could you explain the changes it makes to the UI? I am familiar with the changes on the standard blizzard UI, but does yours have further refinement?
File: ColdUI09-28-11
Here is the image with the chat....
Posted By: Paolo242
Here is the image with the chat.
File: FreeUI09-27-11
Not a problem at all. Excited f...
Posted By: Paolo242
Not a problem at all. Excited for the new update. Originally posted by Haleth Oops, sorry I missed your comment, must've read over it. The spec changer is nice, might include it sometime. :) 4.3 PTR is finally up, expect a lot of changes to the default UI (and thus to FreeUI as well).
File: FreeUI09-27-11
Spec Switcher
Posted By: Paolo242
I just added this to the slash.lua Makes it so you can switch your specs with /ss and /spec SlashCmdList = function() if GetActiveTalentGroup()==1 then SetActiveTalentGroup(2) elseif GetActiveTalentGroup()==2 then SetActiveTalentGroup(1) end end SLASH_SPEC1 = "/ss" SLASH_SPEC2 = "/spec"
File: FreeUI09-27-11
Just switched to this UI and it's a...
Posted By: Paolo242
Just switched to this UI and it's awesome! The only request I have is to add a spec/gear switch command, and a food/drink restocker.
File: ColdUI09-26-11
I like a lot of things about this U...
Posted By: Paolo242
I like a lot of things about this UI. One question, Why does the chat grow forever? It spans the whole screen left to right. There seem to be no set chat frames. Just one big one. I cant click on the frame either.
File: oUF_Qulight09-25-11
When a player dies the health frame...
Posted By: Paolo242
When a player dies the health frame for the player turns red. When he/she is resurrected, it stays red. I have been doing /rl to turn it to black again. Is this something I can change?
File: PhanxChat09-22-11
No problem. Could you point me in t...
Posted By: Paolo242
No problem. Could you point me in the right direction in the code? I'll try it. Originally posted by Phanx No. Read the main description under the large orange heading "Feature Requests". ______
File: Mono UI09-21-11
Great UI. Just a couple questio...
Posted By: Paolo242
Great UI. Just a couple questions. Is there any way to make the loot omit the "This item will bind to you" and the "this item will be destroyed" messages? also, how would I go about making the loot frame and group loot frame smaller? Thanks! edit: The disenchant memo is already there. So All that remains is making the lo...
File: PhanxChat09-21-11
I'm loving this addon for the simpl...
Posted By: Paolo242
I'm loving this addon for the simplification of the chat. The only request I have is for the chat input box to be skinned. Maybe just a colored outline of the channel color? I'm not sure if it's possible or not without a ton of work.