Results: 268Comments by: Foxlit
File: OPie10-29-09
###Delay before showing ring option...
Posted By: Foxlit
###Delay before showing ring option.## I can prevent the indication UI from appearing for some amount of time, but I cannot force it to cast the default spell if you're pointing at anything but the ring's center -- no timing data is available within the restricted environment. ###Making macro controlled rings act the same a key...
File: OPie10-23-09
Is there a way to change the offset...
Posted By: Foxlit
Is there a way to change the offset of the ring's starting and animation position from the center to some other place? Try something along the lines of /run OneRingLib:SetOption("IndicationOffsetY", 20); This used to be a option configurable through the UI in an older version, but it didn't look good or fit into the new panel. Th...
File: OPie10-13-09
I gotta agree with pittaxx here, an...
Posted By: Foxlit
I gotta agree with pittaxx here, and if this could get in, OPie would be just perfect for my needs :) is there any possibilit you could get that in, Foxlit ?:) You can already accomplish that. OPie rings may be opened from macros, and OPie rings may contain macros.
File: OPie10-10-09
Quick question: Does opie allow yo...
Posted By: Foxlit
Quick question: Does opie allow you to bring up a ring based on the action of double-clicking a mob? I'm looking for a replacement to Simple Raid Target Icons, and I used to use opie for other stuff like pally buffs. I'd like to be able to double click to mark, but I never found this functionality before. It does not. I'm not sur...
File: OPie09-02-09
Re: New error
Posted By: Foxlit
I've suddenly started getting the following error when trying to use a custom ring on my paladin that has nothing but blessings and greater blessings on it. That would be a regression in how binding matching works in some circumstances, and will be addressed in a future release. In the meantime, you can work around the issue by not...
File: OPie08-24-09
Upgrading to this new version i got...
Posted By: Foxlit
Upgrading to this new version i got this several times at start-up. You can click on the orange fragment of that message to get some more details. I can see what the issue is, however, and will be able to fix it in a next update. You should h...
File: OPie08-24-09
After having installed the latest r...
Posted By: Foxlit
After having installed the latest release (echo1) I have lost all of my rings, /rk doesn't work and I can't make a new ring in seemingly any way. I have tried deleting my settings to no avail. Works for me, even after deleting OPie saved variables. I need an actual error message to investigate further; try enabling display of Lua er...
File: OPie08-23-09
Re: Bug
Posted By: Foxlit
The tracking ring is bugged for me. It only started happening once I got a few of the hunter tracking skills. When I hover over anything in the ring, the icon shrinks towards the center of the ring and causes a Lua error.. If I move the cursor to the middle or another icon, the icon that I was on does return back to the correct posit...
File: OPie08-20-09
Oh, and any thoughts on perhaps imp...
Posted By: Foxlit
Oh, and any thoughts on perhaps implementing that suggestion I put in the last post? Displaying text instead of slice icons is not something that I foresee implementing in the near future. Is there a way to darken the screen when the rings are visible? I remember this in versions past, but can't seem to locate the option now. I...
File: SilentFish08-08-09
Originally posted by trclocke The...
Posted By: Foxlit
Originally posted by trclocke There is no error message of any kind for me to describe. It simply isn't doing what it's designed to do anymore: muting the fishing "splash" sound outside of the small "sweet spots" on the castbar that indicate the splash might belong to you. Without the automute functioning, this addon does nothing...
File: SilentFish08-07-09
Originally posted by trclocke I'm...
Posted By: Foxlit
Originally posted by trclocke I'm pretty sure this addon is broken with 3.2 Works for me. Provide a better problem description (for example by quoting an error message) if it does not work for you.
File: OPie07-31-09
Re: Hiding spells when (not) in a form/stance
Posted By: Foxlit
Is it possible to hide spells based on your form/stance? I dont want to see cat-form spells when in bear form :rolleyes: It would be nice if this could be a default behaviour It is theoretically possible, but practically a pain to implement, so I'll probably not be doing that. Try using macros. I noticed that feary fire (feral) i...
File: OPie07-26-09
All my characters are experiencing...
Posted By: Foxlit
All my characters are experiencing a slight impact from the wheel, but not more than an a couple of frames per second. Only the character with whom I made the wheel is having it plummet all the way down from, like 60-80 FPS to 20. I've played around with a similar ring, and I haven't noticed any performance hit. Try disabling othe...
File: OPie07-23-09
I'm experiencing a weird issue with...
Posted By: Foxlit
I'm experiencing a weird issue with OPie where mousing over a custom macro ring slice that has a slice caption causes a framerate drop. Post both the macro and the caption. is there anyway to make the rings unbind to my hotkeys whenever i am in a vehicle? Not at the moment. This should be an option for each individual ring th...
File: OPie07-08-09
Re: Love it
Posted By: Foxlit
One question, is their a way to force the selection to be only on a button you have your mouseover? e.g. If I am in the top right hand corner (away from ring) and i release mouse it will make the selection for me. No can do; those buttons are a lie*. * In that you really aren't interacting with the buttons you think you're inte...
File: OPie07-03-09
I too have been getting this error...
Posted By: Foxlit
I too have been getting this error alot when my questring is called upon and I have no quest items in my inventory. Tracked that down -- the error occurs when the ring has a left-over quick action but no slices, resulting in a division-by-zero problem when trying to compute where the quick action arrow should point. The issue resolv...
File: Flame Warden06-24-09
Hi, ive got these Error on a ger...
Posted By: Foxlit
Hi, ive got these Error on a german client: Works on my german client, unfortunately. Try running the following macro and posting its output: /run print(TaxiNodeOnButtonEnter, type(TaxiNodeOnButtonEnter)); You could also try disabling other addons and checking whether that makes it behave correctly. If that is the lates...
File: OPie06-24-09
I'd really like to see some option...
Posted By: Foxlit
I'd really like to see some option on individual slices (individual spells, actions, macros, whatever) to disable them from ever being used as a quick-action. This is slightly inconvenient but probably doable. We'll see :) I'm a little surprised that this isn't available (I had a look around and couldn't find anything on it at le...
File: Flame Warden06-21-09
Re: Northrend
Posted By: Foxlit
Maybe a stupid question but.. does this include the new ones that are supposedly found in Northrend? I'd check myself, but no WoW on this computer. :) I believe it should record that you've done them; however, without an achievement to display the dates on, you might not be able to see the which ones you've done. Perhaps some...
File: OPie06-12-09
Re: Re: Re: Feedback
Posted By: Foxlit
Since 1.35 (Delta-1) I noticed something strange. I have been using the 'Activate on left click' option, but since the last release it didn't seem to work for the quest items ring. After some search I found out that the problem is caused by the 'Quick Action At Ring Center'. That is one of the issues fixed in Delta 2. The option...
File: OPie05-31-09
One question regarding the "Translu...
Posted By: Foxlit
One question regarding the "Translucent icon style" option, what is actually supposed to do? I thought it would make the icons in a ring semi-transparent until they were hovered over, but that does not happen for me, and i notice no change in the visuals with the option checked on or off. The option is only respected if OPie being...
File: OPie05-29-09
Is there a possibility to include t...
Posted By: Foxlit
Is there a possibility to include the old "tap" function as optional? (just a hit and uses the skill wherever your mouse is) No; the old "tap" mechanic is made impossible in 3.1.
File: OPie05-28-09
Re: Feedback
Posted By: Foxlit
So what you're saying is that you can't do something like when I release the mouse over a 'nested ring', OPie instead 'zooms in' on the nested ring and then I can tap to click the button I want? Or even press and release the mouse again to select the nested ring button I want to click? Those are not quite entirely unlike the origin...
File: OPie05-26-09
Re: Re: Delta 1
Posted By: Foxlit
Wonder it would be possible to handle sub-rings, the way the main rings are handled? Unfortunately not. The decision of which action to actually use is made solely on the basis of mouse coordinates when you release the binding, making it impossible to correctly interpret intent in the scenario you're proposing. The intention is m...
File: OPie05-25-09
Delta 1
Posted By: Foxlit
You can now download the Delta 1 release. There's a list of changes; but a few are worth highlighting: You can now use OPie rings as slices in OPie rings. Select the needed slice by using your scroll wheel while pointing at a ring slice. EquipmentManager sets can be added to custom rings. Dragging from EM panel is inconvenient...