Results: 177Comments by: lanacan
File: lolTip07-30-09
Seems you and quest helper don't ge...
Posted By: lanacan
Seems you and quest helper don't get along :( Interface\AddOns\lolTip\tip.lua:425: attempt to index a nil value (tail call): ? : ? Interface\AddOns\lolTip\tip.lua:425: in function : ? : in function `func' Interface\AddOns\QuestHelper\manager_event.lua:22: in function
File: stText07-29-09
Originally posted by lodewijk tbh...
Posted By: lanacan
Originally posted by lodewijk tbh this looks like a SLDT rip-off to me. SLDT came after LynStats. They took LynStats and added too it. If I remember correctly it was LynStats that started all of the "stats display with out titan/fubar" mods.
File: oUF Phanx07-26-09
Re: Re: Font
Posted By: lanacan
Originally posted by Phanx Well, if you want the right answer, ask a specific question. Posting a vague question forces me to guess at what you're talking about. It's no different than the people who post "it doesn't work" and expect me to read their minds and know exactly what their problem is. :rolleyes: The font used to label...
File: Holla07-26-09
Originally posted by Phanx I've u...
Posted By: lanacan
Originally posted by Phanx I've used an unreleased, self-written addon to provide myself with this functionality for years, and I must say I am appalled at the way you've managed to take a concept that can be implemented in less than 20 lines of code, and make of it something that is 134 Kb compressed. :( Wow... Phanx... just w...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)07-24-09
Originally posted by zork New ver...
Posted By: lanacan
Originally posted by zork New version with some small upgrades is out. The Diablo UI is now officially 1 year old and gathered more than 80k downloads. /cheer I want to thank everyone for downloading and loving the UI :). You deserve it, you do great work :D :banana:
File: ExpClock07-24-09
Originally posted by Kelrim Thank...
Posted By: lanacan
Originally posted by Kelrim Thanks Lanacan :) I'm not at home either right now, but I will use your great input and have a new version ready within 24 hours :p, using local time and option to edit the .lua file for am/pm notation. I would suggest putting the time format into a separate function too, that way you just call it...
File: ExpClock07-24-09
Originally posted by Kelrim Lanac...
Posted By: lanacan
Originally posted by Kelrim Lanacan: I think it should show your local time? Correct me if im wrong. xtog: I wil make a version showing am and pm as an optional download. I was going off your description for the addon, I am at work and can't test it in game. Looking at your code you use "GetGameTime()" which Returns the...
File: ExpClock07-24-09
Local Time?
Posted By: lanacan
Instead of realm time could you have it display local time? Or at least give the option in the lua via a true|false local variable at the top of the file.
File: Tidy Plates: Minimal07-23-09
Originally posted by Kouri True,...
Posted By: lanacan
Originally posted by Kouri True, you could do that, but name tags would still show. This makes them disappear at close range automatically. Plus it's one less hotkey I have to remember. :P Why not use Contemplate so they only show in combat and you don't have to remember to hit your hot key ever.
File: oUF_Nerd07-15-09
Nice layout!
Posted By: lanacan
Seriously very nice.... Going to test these out and tweak them further! :D:p
File: rActionButtonStyler - Lolzen07-06-09
This + your buffs = WIN! in my new...
Posted By: lanacan
This + your buffs = WIN! in my new UI But i need to finish my other layout firs with the drop shadow stuff :p
File: rActionButtonStyler - Lolzen07-06-09
Have my babies??
Posted By: lanacan
Sweet, just what I was looking for (besides the PM @ Ace Forums :p)
File: oUF Phanx07-04-09
Originally posted by Phanx Yep, a...
Posted By: lanacan
Originally posted by Phanx Yep, and it says so right at the top of the download page. Like people read before clicking...
File: oUF Phanx07-04-09
Originally posted by Phanx So imp...
Posted By: lanacan
Originally posted by Phanx So impatient, all of you! :eek: Did you expect anything different.... you put up an "incomplete" addon in all honesty. Your name + OMGFTWBBQNEWTOY = people are going to DL it. :D
File: oUF Phanx07-04-09
I personally like the Supported plu...
Posted By: lanacan
I personally like the Supported plugins list with disclaimer at the end saying some are not supported :p
File: Neav UI07-03-09
Whoot! /cheer I think I will qui...
Posted By: lanacan
Whoot! /cheer I think I will quit releasing UI Comps now that you released yours :p (BTW I'm going through and removing all the nAddons I have in my Released Compilations now that you have that statement on the front page.)
File: atrNameplates06-26-09
Originally posted by Doriginal1 H...
Posted By: lanacan
Originally posted by Doriginal1 Hi, just curious what lines I would have to modify to make these frames a bit smaller? Thanks for any help, and great work! I was wondering as well, I poked around the lua but maybe I missed something as I didn't see it.
File: hud06-15-09
I tried this out and it's really co...
Posted By: lanacan
I tried this out and it's really cool what you came up with. Still on the fence on if I will use it but I'm "playing" with it after seeing Led ++'s layout pics over on the Ace forums. One thing I hope to see soon is being able to color the target health bar based on class (if player) or Reaction (if NPC/Mob). The white blends into...
File: Blizzardo Remixar06-12-09
Originally posted by Soulcleaver...
Posted By: lanacan
Originally posted by Soulcleaver don't think u know anything about this tbh:/ the map is Pminimap wich is no art on atall, and the unitframes are made in statusquo after i saw from an ui in curse, and the buffs? its just normal buffalo 1 art on them XD lol.. The UFs.... The original BLP files to make thess unit frames loo...
File: Lunar Unit Frames (Arena Edition)06-10-09
Originally posted by sailen I'll...
Posted By: lanacan
Originally posted by sailen I'll make plans to support RuneBar and TotemBar. To hide auras on a frame, turn on the "only show buffs/debuffs on mouseover" If you want to show the buffs/debuffs in blizzard's default location, that's not an option yet, but I'll work on it. You can also hide buffs through the auras table by clic...
File: Lunar Unit Frames (Arena Edition)06-09-09
Plans for the oUF RuneBar and Totem...
Posted By: lanacan
Plans for the oUF RuneBar and TotemBar support? Ok spent a good 15 minutes looking for it... don't see an option to turn off having player auras on the unit frame.
File: oUF_TotemBar06-09-09
Best oUF Plug in Ever!! I hated try...
Posted By: lanacan
Best oUF Plug in Ever!! I hated trying to find a totem timer that fit into my ui :p (Seriously... lol)
File: idChat06-08-09
Originally posted by Alarthon How...
Posted By: lanacan
Originally posted by Alarthon How can i change the size of the Chat Box? right click on the chat window tab and select "unlock". That is a standard blizzard UI option. Originally posted by Tyska I'm not able to read the whispers i wrote :< What do you mean? a screen shot would help Originally posted by Sarkan-ZdC...
File: sThreatMeter203-04-09
Originally posted by syrupk Yay b...
Posted By: lanacan
Originally posted by syrupk Yay bringing mods here <3 Nice to see you around! I agree!
File: oUF_Quaiche03-01-09
Originally posted by PProvost The...
Posted By: lanacan
Originally posted by PProvost There is one in every zip file. :) I have to ask... (since I agree with P3lim). Why should I have to DL it to see what changed?