Results: 169Comments by: Doonga
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)10-30-13
The nameplate bug should be fixed n...
Posted By: Doonga
The nameplate bug should be fixed now. I will take a look at tapping, I prolly forgot to enable this..... like I always do. Awsome! Thanks so much. I used this UI back at the beginning of cata, I'm so excited to see it back again! Couple more for you... Got a taint error when clicking the character panel button as well as the...
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)10-30-13
Thank you on letting me move the ca...
Posted By: Doonga
Thank you on letting me move the cast bar! Just couldn't get used to it inside the player frame. I can confirm the error with the nameplates. One other question, where do I see if someone else has a mob tagged? I don't see anything greyed out on the target frame. I may be missing something obvious. :) 1x SVUI-3.0.8\modules\name...
File: Altz UI10-29-13
Error in 5.4.1
Posted By: Doonga
6x AddOn "AltzUI" tried to call the protected function "IsDisabledByParentalControls()". !BugGrabber-r198-release\BugGrabber.lua:552: in function FrameXML\MainMenuBarMicroButtons.lua:229: in function "UpdateMicroButtons" FrameXML\MainMenuBarMicroButtons.lua:277: in function
File: Altz UI10-24-13
Re: 2 questions
Posted By: Doonga
2. is there a possibility to give me a real castbar? not that one in the player frame? Go into AltZ config, choose Unitframes, then Castbar and check off "Independent Player Castbar." That should pop it out for you.
File: Altz UI09-25-13
I've already done that, and I could...
Posted By: Doonga
I've already done that, and I couldn't change anything. In fact, i "broke" the UI so i have to reinstall from scratch. So.. another solution to the black text in Aurora? :( Make sure you don't use the version 5.0+ of Aurora. I tried that and it blew things up miserably. I had to use version 4.7b of Aurora to not break AltZ. Hope...
File: Altz UI09-10-13
I had to update Aurora and AuroraMi...
Posted By: Doonga
I had to update Aurora and AuroraMissingTextures to get rid of the screwy black on black text. Be sure you save the media folder in Aurora before you update it. Otherwise, I haven't run into anything in Altz that's all that broken.
File: Altz UI08-27-13
@Doonga: The taint error will conti...
Posted By: Doonga
@Doonga: The taint error will continue with or without any AddOns installed; it is a Blizzard bug. Also, the bug blames the first AddOn loaded alphabetically during the time of the taint. I've seen Ace3, Mapster, AltzUI, Prat, PitBull4, and many other AddOns I have/had installed take the blame. However, you will not see the error wit...
File: Altz UI08-26-13
[Bug] Maybe? When pet appears after combat starts
Posted By: Doonga
If I get into combat before my pet appears or if I summon a pet during combat I get a bunch of these. In particular I tend to cast while mounted which dismounts me and makes my pet appear. 3x AddOn "AltzUIConfig" tried to call the protected function "CompactRaidFrame1:Show()". !BugGrabber-r193-release\BugGrabber.lua:587: in func...
File: Altz UI10-07-12
Re: Re: Re: Quest tracking
Posted By: Doonga
Regardless, it's not a "deal breaker" for me. If i can get it working/moved, great; otherwise, I will minimize as necessary :D I'm not the author, just been using this one for a few weeks. :) Anyway, are you sure you're on the latest version? That mover was added in the most recent one.
File: Altz UI10-07-12
Re: Quest tracking
Posted By: Doonga
I absolutely love this ui; only issue i'm having is the quest tracker overlaps the 2 bars on the right hand side of the screen. i have tried everything i could find to move it; any ideas? Keep up the great work!!! Do /altz unlock then you can drag it, /altz lock when done.
File: Altz UI10-06-12
Couple of bugs...
Posted By: Doonga
Auto accept rez is accepting battle rezzes in combat. Auto accept invite is accepting all invites, not just from guild and friends. Can you add a text size for the combat text? It's extremely small on my screen. Still love the UI! :) Thanks so much!
File: Altz UI09-28-12
Re: Powerbaralt
Posted By: Doonga
I fixed the powerbar alt issue, but I'm not sure it's the best solution.So I posted it here. It will be fixed in next version. You may download a temporary working one at github at the moment. :) Thanks very much! I have another suggestion also... In watchframe.lua: -- Position the Quest Tracker function nWFA.UpdatePositio...
File: Altz UI09-26-12
There's a quest in Paoquen Hollow t...
Posted By: Doonga
There's a quest in Paoquen Hollow that you should be able to repeat a few times to mess with it. I might have just not been able see the bar. I have them fade completely and since I wasn't in combat for that quest it might have just been hidden.
File: Altz UI09-26-12
Posted By: Doonga
Hi! Love this UI. Any chance of getting AltPowerBar implemented in the unit frames? There's a couple of quests in four winds that require it.
File: Quse UI09-01-12
Very nice!
Posted By: Doonga
Just installed this and am loving it so far. One minor error, in SnifflesInstaller, you have an extra '}' on line 245. It was throwing an error and causing /install to not work. Worked great once I deleted it! :) Thanks again!
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)02-03-11
Lovin it
Posted By: Doonga
Lovin it so far! Thanks! One note, I had to delete all of the A_* files in WTF or the new slash command threw a LUA error. Not a huge deal for me. Here it is in case... Message: ...dOns\A_Terrible_Fate\Supervillain_Extras\mentalo.lua:16: attempt to index local 'myparent' (a nil value) Time: 02/03/11 18:39:40 Count: 1 Stack: :...
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)01-31-11
Originally posted by moondoggy is...
Posted By: Doonga
Originally posted by moondoggy is it normal for a 38yro man to refresh this page 10x a day impatiently waiting for the update to a comic book themed mod for a video game? :eek: You aren't the only one. ;)
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)01-23-11
Originally posted by lkj61 And di...
Posted By: Doonga
Originally posted by lkj61 And did you get a chance to fix the white background on the chat bubbles? Please! :) Thanks as always.
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)01-21-11
Chat bubbles
Posted By: Doonga
Chat bubbles also have a white background making them very hard to read. :)
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)01-20-11
Very nice!
Posted By: Doonga
Love the new fonts, I do have an error logging in while in a raid. Message: ...\A_World_Dominated\Supervillain_Raid\VillainRaid.lua:91: Usage: :SetFont("font", fontHeight ) Time: 01/20/11 22:46:57 Count: 1 Stack: Interface\FrameXML\RestrictedFrames.lua:600: in function : ?...
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)01-19-11
Originally posted by chongwho 1)...
Posted By: Doonga
Originally posted by chongwho 1) Player buffs aren’t showing above unit frames (ie Slice & Dice, Blade Fury etc) Target debuffs, DoT’s, bleeds are all working, only player ones aren’t. I have the aurabar settings on number 4. They were all working fine before updating to 19.6 I can confirm this one, was just about to post it m...
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)01-14-11
Re: Re: Looking good!
Posted By: Doonga
Originally posted by Munglunch use /coolvillain (crap I forgot to document that...) No big deal! Thanks.
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)01-14-11
Looking good!
Posted By: Doonga
My only issue with the new version is the cooldown bar is right in the middle of the screen. Any way to move that?
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)01-12-11
Originally posted by shangralia2005...
Posted By: Doonga
Originally posted by shangralia2005 Having an issue with a solid large red box in the middle of the screen. Have re-installed the UI with no luck. Also, tried unlocking the box frames but that does not appear to be it either. Anyone else have this problem or a fix? Thanks. Do you have archy installed? Something in that addon ca...
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)12-31-10
Re: Re: minimap does not show the dungeon finder button
Posted By: Doonga
Originally posted by Doonga (it's to the left of the minimap) Actually, sorry for replying to myself, but the dungeon finder button does seem to be missing with the latest update. (Deleted the original comment)