Results: 1144Comments by: Haleth
File: Aurora09-11-12
slippycrits; This is a known bug wi...
Posted By: Haleth
slippycrits; This is a known bug with the Blizzard UI which I can't do anything about. siweia; Where is that exactly? I can't see anything like it.
File: Aurora09-10-12
Good catch, I'll fix it. For now...
Posted By: Haleth
Good catch, I'll fix it. For now you can just scroll down all the way, then look up a bit and change 'frame:SetBackdropColor' so that it uses 'alpha' instead of '.5'.
File: WatchFrameRemover09-10-12
Stupid question perhaps, but wouldn...
Posted By: Haleth
Stupid question perhaps, but wouldn't disabling automatic quest tracking in the interface options do the same thing?
File: Aurora09-10-12
Catelinelol / adore33; Fixed it, th...
Posted By: Haleth
Catelinelol / adore33; Fixed it, thanks. :) HasuEI; Does it help if you do the following: Look for this: LootWonAlertFrame_ShowAlert Scroll down a little to this: = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)"TOPLEFT", frame, 10, -10)"BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, -10, 10)...
File: FreeUI09-05-12
Use: C.classcolours.r, C.classc...
Posted By: Haleth
Use: C.classcolours.r, C.classcolours.g, C.classcolours.b Of course you have to define 'class' first. C.class is only for player class, it's used across the UI everywhere (button glow, text at the bottom, etc). :) I'm rewriting part of that function (the health update one) anyway for the next version because there's a lo...
File: FreeUI09-05-12
Posted By: Haleth
self.Healthdef:GetStatusBarTexture():SetVertexColor(self.ColorGradient(min, max, unpack(self.colors.smooth)))
File: FreeUI09-05-12
devilArt; It's actually coloured ba...
Posted By: Haleth
devilArt; It's actually coloured based on how much health is lost. Inuka; The columns have always been vertical, representing one sub-group. New columns are added horizontally. I think what's happened is that with the automatic scaling, it's been moved down a bit. There is a target of target frame in the UI now, but that's disa...
File: npcTalk09-05-12
To anyone without the addon, it'll...
Posted By: Haleth
To anyone without the addon, it'll appear as if you are saying/emoting the message, with the prefix npcname] at the start. For example: : thinks you are awesome. I thought it was best to at least let people without the addon know what's going on. The 'npc' prefix is needed because otherwise it might conflict with how some peop...
File: FreeUI09-05-12
Oh, I didn't realise you meant only...
Posted By: Haleth
Oh, I didn't realise you meant only the position of the raid frames. Was it different before (if you used this UI before)? You could turn off the automatic unitframe positioning ('auto' in unitframes section of options.lua) then change the healer raid frame position there. Or, simply get oUF_MovableFrames and drag them somew...
File: FreeUI09-05-12
devilArt; at the top of oUF/oUF_War...
Posted By: Haleth
devilArt; at the top of oUF/oUF_WarlockSpecBars/oUF_WarlockSpecBars.lua: local Colors = { = {148/255, 130/255, 201/255, 1}, = {95/255, 222/255, 95/255, 1}, = {222/255, 95/255, 95/255, 1}, } nta; scripts/buffs.lua: f:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", UIParent, "TOPRIGHT", -50, -50) Synners; I want to avoid adding procs beca...
File: Aurora09-04-12
LiNK2088; I'm afraid I don't unders...
Posted By: Haleth
LiNK2088; I'm afraid I don't understand how oGlow works well enough to use its API. I tried though. I will probably add my own glow script at some point which is more or less based on oGlow. It'll disable itself when oGlow is running though and have an option to turn it off for those that don't want it. slippycrits; No problem...
File: FreeUI09-04-12
By the way, I've only added sFilter...
Posted By: Haleth
By the way, I've only added sFilter stuff for classes that I play myself. If anyone knows for buffs that are very important to track for other classes, and don't show up with the default proc system, please do post them. :)
File: FreeUI09-04-12
Have you tried it with a clean inst...
Posted By: Haleth
Have you tried it with a clean install? I think your core/api.lua file is out of date. There's no easy way to disable the castbar I'm afraid, except for deleting all of the castbar parts in unitframes.lua.
File: FreeUI09-03-12
devilArt; There's no option for it...
Posted By: Haleth
devilArt; There's no option for it (yet), but you can reduce the alpha in the CreateBD function in core/api.lua. I'm working on proper ingame options (the incomplete ones that are in now were just a test) which should let you change everything you can currently change in options.lua as well as a few extra things. There will be a s...
File: FreeUI09-03-12
Try a different spellId for the sec...
Posted By: Haleth
Try a different spellId for the second one, look the spell up on wowhead. The number in the URL is the spell ID you need to use.
File: FreeUI09-03-12
I've added the updated alDamageMete...
Posted By: Haleth
I've added the updated alDamageMeter for the next version, you can get it here already: -- Synners, open options.lua and look for 'buffTracker' then go down to the warrior bit. Add these: {spellId = 86346, unitId = "target", isMine = 1, filt...
File: FreeUI09-03-12
It works fine for me. I have heard...
Posted By: Haleth
It works fine for me. I have heard from a few people though that since 5.0.4, certain textures randomly bug out and get the green 'invalid texture' look, including in the default UI, for example some holidays on the default calendar. There's nothing in the UI that could be causing this bug as far as I'm aware.
File: FreeUI09-02-12
Screenshots would be helpful, I hav...
Posted By: Haleth
Screenshots would be helpful, I haven't seen this myself. Are you using any other textures in your Interface folder?
File: FreeUI09-02-12
Yes, multisampling = anti-aliasing,...
Posted By: Haleth
Yes, multisampling = anti-aliasing, I forgot to mention that. It's strange because it shouldn't affect the UI anymore. Oh well!
File: FreeUI09-02-12
Since update 5.0.3, it is fixed, al...
Posted By: Haleth
Since update 5.0.3, it is fixed, although it included a few bugs (which have since also been fixed). Always check the changelog if you're not sure :)
File: FreeUI09-02-12
Do you have anti-aliasing enabled b...
Posted By: Haleth
Do you have anti-aliasing enabled by any chance, either ingame (though that shouldn't affect the UI) or through your graphic card's control panel?
File: Aurora09-02-12
Catelinelol; I fixed that now, than...
Posted By: Haleth
Catelinelol; I fixed that now, thanks :) LiNK2088; Thanks! EKE; Can you post a screenshot? LiNK2088; I might do, yes. eiszeit; Fixed it for the next version, thanks. slippycrits; I'll see what I can do! adore33; Fixed now, sorry for the errors. It's a little tricky to test.
File: FreeUI09-01-12
ckramme; Thanks. :) The ingame o...
Posted By: Haleth
ckramme; Thanks. :) The ingame options are incomplete. It only shows some options and it's not going to look like that when it's finished (I'll make the layout a lot better). It'll get profile switching as well. Aced; alDamageMeter wasn't updated yet, I just applied a bandaid fix to stop it from throwing errors. I don't know en...
File: Aurora09-01-12
Tissue; I think I fixed it now, I c...
Posted By: Haleth
Tissue; I think I fixed it now, I copied something which Blizz changed to it on beta. Louna; I'll be on the lookout for it, but I think the Blizzard system of limiting script duration is a bit flawed.
File: FreeUI09-01-12
It happens sometimes, not always. N...
Posted By: Haleth
It happens sometimes, not always. Not sure what triggers it. It hasn't been updated yet anyway, I only fixed it so it would stop throwing errors but it's clearly not working 100% yet. For anyone who's trying out the new buff tracker, here's some updated code which should work properly: local F, C, L = unpack(select(2, ...))...