Results: 546Comments by: hank
File: Duffed UI v512-29-10
Originally posted by Xenur Ich da...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by Xenur Ich danke. Hm grad mal getestet, ich kann maintanks bewegen (im raid zumindest, ausserhalb nicht getestet)
File: Duffed UI v512-29-10
Originally posted by Optional hel...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by Optional hello, I used Duffed a month ago or so, and loved it. I've come back to it, but I'm a little confused as how to get rid of, or move the new cast timer bars... Any tips? it's kind of in the middle of everything... and there's alre...
File: Duffed UI v512-28-10
Re: MT targets
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by Xenur Hallo, erst einmal möchte ich mich für das geniale Interface bedanken. Allerdings habe ich ein kleines Problem: Die Maintank-Targets überlappen im Raid genau meinen Charakter, sind also immer zentriert. Kann man das irgendwie ändern ? Danke einfach mit /uf...
File: Duffed UI v512-27-10
Originally posted by liquidbase H...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by liquidbase Hi Hank An problem with the focusframe and classtimer has occured on my DK. You can see the problerm at the Screenshot below: Can you say me in which line I can change this? --- Hi Hank Gibt da ein Problem mit dem Focusframe und Clas...
File: Duffed UI v512-27-10
Originally posted by Nihan Yes ha...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by Nihan Yes hank thats what i did first ^^ When i change width of raid frames (line 244-246) it is oke there is no problem at all. But when i try to change its height then something looks wrong. Seems like max setting for height is 31 px atm otherwise border doesnt move and it looks so bad. Maybe we have to ch...
File: Duffed UI v512-26-10
Originally posted by Nihan Hello...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by Nihan Hello hank When i change that one it doesnt effect my raid frames. it just effects player and target frames. I'm talking about raid frames(grid ones) so how can i change size of raid frames ? Can you explain it please ? Thank you :) Okay .. initial-width and height @line 244 & 246 should wor...
File: Duffed UI v512-26-10
Originally posted by Nihan Hello...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by Nihan Hello hank I liked new frames ^^ It looks so good but i have a problem. I tried to change width and height of raid frames but it didnt work, before this chance i was able to edit 'initial-width', TukuiDB.Scale(76*TukuiCF.gridscale*TukuiDB.raidscale), 'initial-height', TukuiDB.Scale(31*Tukui...
File: Duffed UI v512-25-10
Re: Resting
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by takegami Sad that i can't find icon showing resting state.. :( it can be fixed? thanks anyway. 4.50 has it + arena castbar etc (read changelog for more informations)
File: Duffed UI v512-24-10
Originally posted by Neshain Hell...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by Neshain Hello. I've been using this UI for such a long time. Everything is perfect for me .. except one thing. I'm PvP player, and the one thing is making arenas difficult to play. The thing that I am talking about is that I cannot control every enemy person on arena, because I cannot see if they are casting at...
File: Duffed UI v512-23-10
Originally posted by Zyania Thank...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by Zyania Thanks <333333 :)
File: Duffed UI v512-23-10
Originally posted by Zyania Is it...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by Zyania Is it possible to add rested exp to the exp bar? So it looks something like 130/1,300 (10%) (75% rested). If you understand what I mean :P dl
File: Duffed UI v512-23-10
Originally posted by pHaeno* Ich...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by pHaeno* Ich bin so frei und schreibe mal auf deutsch :P Als ich gestern das neue layout bewundert habe, musste ich feststellen das die Maintank- und Playertargets noch leicht buggy sind. Setzt man zum Beispiel die MTs, dann bekommt man ein riesen großes schwarzes Kästches über den Monitor gelegt :( Hopp...
File: Duffed UI v512-23-10
Originally posted by Zyania Thank...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by Zyania Thanks for the fast update (I forgot to post earlier). I should also mention that I love the new way to view your tracked reputation, looks better without the tooltip too :D Also, I noticed the bag window doesn't have a shadow, will one be added? thanks & petbar got a shadow too https://gi...
File: Duffed UI v512-22-10
Originally posted by Zyania Error...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by Zyania Error with 4.45 Message: Interface\AddOns\Tukui\unitframes\layout.lua:321: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil) Time: 12/22/10 17:52:39 Count: 2 Stack: : in function `format' Interface\AddOns\Tukui\unitframes\layout.lua:321: in function `func' Interface\AddOns\Tukui\libs\oUF...
File: Duffed UI v512-22-10
Originally posted by Black1011 Hi...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by Black1011 Hi hank, ich hätte da nochmal 2 Fragen. Wie bekomm ich die Tastenkürzel von der Aktionsleiste weg und wie lass ich die obere Aktionsleiste verschwinden ? Bei mir im Optionsmenü kann ich bei "Aktionsleisten" nur 2 Häckchen setzen. Danke schonmal. lg 1. In der config.lua ganz unten Zeile 249...
File: Duffed UI v512-21-10
4.45 You got ur xp/rep bar back .....
Posted By: hank
4.45 You got ur xp/rep bar back another way. Hope u like it that way too. (mouse over portrait ..tooltip is gone but theres text on the bar :>)
File: Duffed UI v512-21-10
Originally posted by Zyania Is th...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by Zyania Is there anyway to get the exp/rep tracking on the health bar again? Also, on the grid party frames, the healcomm prediction doesn't fill the whole box. 1. The problem with that is that i have to set "EnableMouse(true)" to the exp/rep bar ...and cause the bars are above the normal health bar (ofc) Tha...
File: Duffed UI v512-21-10
Originally posted by Leandros Dan...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by Leandros Danke für die Schnelle Antwort! Die Idee mit GitHub ist gut, wo kann ich den auf GitHub sehen, was du in den neuen Versionen geändert hast? Momentan nutze ich noch die v4.39, die vor dem wechsel war. Thanks for the very fast answer! Its a good idea, to load bugfixes via github and use the Ui befo...
File: Duffed UI v512-21-10
Originally posted by zelpress non...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by zelpress non of my keybinding is there what bars is it that is put down What?^^ Tukui uses the default Blizzard bars. The bar at the bottom left is Bar number 1 Set Keybindings with /hb
File: Duffed UI v512-21-10
Originally posted by Leandros Das...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by Leandros Das neue Layout gefällt mir nicht, mir fehlt die Exp / Ruf Bar, außerdem ist zwischen dem Focus Target und meinem Unitframe eine Lücke wo die werte stehen. Desweiteren finde ich das Grau nun zu Dunkel und nicht mehr Transparent. Kannst du nicht zwei Versionen machen? ;) And now, in English: I dont l...
File: Duffed UI v512-21-10
Posted By: hank
File: Duffed UI v512-21-10
Originally posted by Praetoriann...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by Praetoriann Awww I liked the map & duffs with a space around the edge how can I change it back? :( Im i correct - u want the map not that near to the edge? minimap.lua Line 15 Minimap:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", UIParent, "TOPRIGHT", TukuiDB.Scale(-8), TukuiDB.Scale(-8)) buffs.lua line 8 local xbuff = -158...
File: Duffed UI v512-20-10
Originally posted by Error I thin...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by Error I think I am retarded, or something. I cant get omen or recount skinned.... What.. am I missing? They should be skinned automatically but sometimes it wont work - i dunno why. May add ## RequiredDeps: Tukui in Recount.toc and Omen.toc
File: Duffed UI v512-20-10
Originally posted by Phrox Hey, I...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by Phrox Hey, I was wondering how I disable the dot timers above the player portrait. Thanks disable the addon "Tukui_Classtimer"
File: Duffed UI v512-20-10
Originally posted by Black1011 Hi...
Posted By: hank
Originally posted by Black1011 Hi hank, dein Ui gefällt mir echt gut, nur leider hab ich da ein minimales Problem. Dieser Timer mitten im Bild stört mich, mir reicht es wenn ich das über meiner Lebensanzeige im Blick habe. Kann ich das irgendwie verschieben oder besser ganz weg machen ? Danke ;)