Results: 550Comments by: EKE
File: Altz UI12-29-17
Re: Crashes on PVP
Posted By: EKE
I've been trying to do some pvp right now and everytime it crashes due to this addon... Says its an error on some Lua code on mods/tweaks and sometimes due to FramesCompact or smth like that , can't take screenshot while it crashes 8( Also only happens on BGs and Arenas delete tweaks.lua line 33~45
File: Altz UI12-24-17
Re: Fonts
Posted By: EKE
Hello everyone, is there a way to change fonts while I use altz ui? Yes my bad , thanks for the reply , also do you know how i can see my Shield of righteous aura on my name plate ? I can see Seraphim and Avenging wrath but not that one.(i have put it on whitelist also) you should read altzui config...
File: Altz UI12-19-17
Re: UI aint working with horde character on another server
Posted By: EKE
nvm i found it it was bc of class colors aurora newest update. what BC? dont update aurora by urself. altzui use a heavy-edit version for itself.
File: Altz UI12-18-17
Nothing works when I load this. I t...
Posted By: EKE
Nothing works when I load this. I tried loading it with just the mods that come with it. I just plopped it into the base folder and let it overwrite the interface folder. Is the buttons folder supposed to be there? Nevermind... but How do you resize the minimap? you should check again, there's an option for that. Whenever im...
File: Altz UI12-09-17
Re: Bartender4
Posted By: EKE
When use with bartender4 makes micro menu buggy. should say how it buggy, what error it pop, not just said it buggy. I got in a MythicPlus these Errors ignore it, wont have other bad effect. Greetings and thank you for the UI, it's great :) however I cannot find my hunter tracking button - it gives me options for fishing, h...
File: Altz UI12-02-17
Re: freezes game after rez in battleground/brawl
Posted By: EKE
@attackruby we know it already, fix in plan but wont be soon Not always, but oft enough to annoy me, after i have rez'd (in a battleground or brawl only), i get a 'script ran too long' error message regarding tweaks.lua lines 39 and 42. Is there a way i can alter these lines to prevent this from happening ? delete tweaks....
File: Altz UI12-01-17
i got a massive error warning for t...
Posted By: EKE
i got a massive error warning for the Raidframe use banderrorframe or buggabber to ignore it, it taint blizzard's raid frame but we actually didnt use it so wont have bad effect
File: Altz UI11-30-17
@airlock @Faby_2819 cant reprod...
Posted By: EKE
@airlock @Faby_2819 cant reproduce this issue. @wdavis111 that's strange. but dunno what happened?
File: Altz UI11-29-17
Re: Wonderful
Posted By: EKE
I have never ever donated to an addon creator, but I am just in love with this UI! I been using it for 1 week now and I already donated! What's the best way to receive notifications about recent updates? WOWI have a addon updater called "Minion". or just visit this page. someone ask for a curse update but wont been soon....
File: Altz UI11-28-17
Re: Re: Re: 碎银铁矿 战场报错2
Posted By: EKE
我用的是自带的,自带的软件我都忽视更新的。 try 7.28
File: Altz UI11-28-17
I cant see the tooltip of my Telepo...
Posted By: EKE
I cant see the tooltip of my Teleports and Portals on my mage. fix have been in plan......but wont be soon ._.
File: Altz UI11-27-17
Re: 碎银铁矿 战场报错2
Posted By: EKE
1.notice: paopao will be busy since next week. 預告:下周開始泡泡將會非常忙 2.a new version on github is already. i'll push them to WOWInterface and curse later. 新版本已經在github更新,਼...
File: Altz UI11-15-17
Hey there! Big compliment for this...
Posted By: EKE
Hey there! Big compliment for this very nice UI! I would like to know if there is an option to change transperency? Greetings! :banana: /aurora > change alpha
File: Altz UI10-27-17
Re: Error Stoping my Export
Posted By: EKE
this error will not let me export my settings,soon as i click export this happends everytime and i am not going to change eveyr setting per toon lol PLZ PLZ fix <3 will fix @Aquastias that's not a problem. @Incogneato paopao: ignore it. @biermaker logout problem isnt AltzUI's issue. @Titus_Dotel try dis...
File: Altz UI10-17-17
Re: Ultrawide Resolution Compatible?
Posted By: EKE
Hi, does this UI work with Ultrawide 2560x1080 Resolutions? altzui wont change your uiscale setting, default cvar is disable also no specific layout for specific resolutions you can just change uiscale by yourself, esc > system > adavance
File: Altz UI10-16-17
my chat isnt changing for one of my...
Posted By: EKE
my chat isnt changing for one of my characters , how do i fix so it has the same channels etc? what do you mean for "my chat isnt changing"? more exact.
File: Altz UI10-02-17
Re: Details! Addon Skin
Posted By: EKE
Is there a "skin" for Details! anywhere? or one in the works? like this....?
File: Altz UI09-28-17
@CRYPTfromCATACOMBZ change alpha...
Posted By: EKE
@CRYPTfromCATACOMBZ change alpha in aurora. Everytime a quest pops up on its own, example Legion Assault, or the examples below like im trying to start a quest for a alt... It will not pop up the quest unless i disable Altz UI if i understand correctly, it possible normally problem, have saw same problem times on other a...
File: Altz UI09-27-17
Re: Great UI
Posted By: EKE
should sadly said Paopao is tired for some reason so next update possibly will take long time. Thank you for all your hard work. This has been by far my favourite UI for some time. I just wondered if there is any way at the moment to add things to the info bar at the bottom at all such as online friends and guild members? :) fo...
File: Altz UI09-21-17
3x AltzUI\mods\bag\craft.lua:328: a...
Posted By: EKE
3x AltzUI\mods\bag\craft.lua:328: attempt to index a nil value AltzUI\mods\bag\craft.lua:328: in function ok got it but wont be soon......maybe for months...
File: Altz UI09-15-17
Re: crashing in BG
Posted By: EKE
The UI is great. The most useful and good looking one ive seen. But there is a problem whit it. When i enter a battleground the game is crashing and i have to disable it in order to finish my BG, but in raids and dungeons there are no problems. Any advice what may cause it. Thanks in advance you should describe how it crash Pao...
File: EKPlates09-14-17
update to 7.3? cu cardo_ just...
Posted By: EKE
update to 7.3? cu cardo_ just enable option "load outdate addon"
File: Altz UI09-09-17
Anyway to adjust the objectives pan...
Posted By: EKE
Anyway to adjust the objectives panel? If I have a lot of quest it'll lay over or get under the right action bars / mini map. Do I edit the "300"? if you want a fixed value, example: "SetHeight(600)" if you want a flexible v...
File: Altz UI09-09-17
Anyway to adjust the objectives pan...
Posted By: EKE
Anyway to adjust the objectives panel? If I have a lot of quest it'll lay over or get under the right action bars / mini map.
File: Altz UI09-08-17
please update newest version, and e...
Posted By: EKE
please update newest version, and enable "load outdate addon" Aurora didnt bump toc. and about queue taint/dropdown menu taint: have try a lot for blizzard's taint, but if problem still, should wait for a long time until next update because need a heavy fix....