Results: 204Comments by: Hevanus
File: PhanxChat12-08-06
Would also like to be able to chang...
Posted By: Hevanus
Would also like to be able to change font sizes to arbitrary values on a per-chatframe basis, a la ChatFrameExtender. 11pt is too big.
File: PhanxChat12-07-06
Can it add timestamps? Seems to hav...
Posted By: Hevanus
Can it add timestamps? Seems to have _everything_ else I could want.
File: FuBar - AmmoFu11-24-06
Posted By: Hevanus
Would be nice if it could display both a count and a percentage, as many other FuBar mods now do. It might also be nice to have the tooltip show how many of which kinds of ammo are on-hand e.g.: Ice Threaded Arrow 2076 Thorium Headed Arrow 114 Doomshot 97 And a super-fancy feature would be to let the user switch which type...
File: FuBar - ExperienceFu11-19-06
Posted By: Hevanus
Startup errors: Error: Cannot find a library instance of AceLocale-2.0. AddOn: FuBar_ExperienceFu File: ExperienceFuLocals.lua Line: 2 Count: 1 -------------------------------------------------- Error: Cannot find a library instance of AceLocale-2.0. File: ...ddOns\FuBar_ExperienceFu\ExperienceFuLocals-deDE.lua Line: 2...