Results: 6Comments by: dmjohn0x
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)08-31-14
How do I uninstall this and go back to default?
Posted By: dmjohn0x
How do I uninstall this and go back to default?
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)08-06-14
Posted By: dmjohn0x
Updated SVUI because my ui was stuck in enhanced mode and wouldnt goto classic. Now im having the issue where I have these aura bars over my frame, target frame, and tot frame. How do I disable this shit? Spent 30minutes in settings and couldnt figure it out like an idiot, lol. HALP EDIT: Figured it out. Had to disable Aura Bars...
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)07-27-14
I just use Healers Must Die. It ten...
Posted By: dmjohn0x
I just use Healers Must Die. It tends to mark off-healers too, but at least it narrows it down a lot so you can see who is actively healing. Loving the UI! I'm coming from elvUI and was wondering if there is an option i'm not seeing that marks healers in BGs?
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)07-26-14
Re: Re: yup
Posted By: dmjohn0x
Appreciated. Threat coloring was the issue. Thank you. Really enjoying the UI! Great Work! There is a setting for SVUI nameplates to enable threat coloring. Simply disable that and the red/green toggle will stop (or just download the version i just uploaded 4.076, I am now disabling threat color on nameplates by default). SVUI h...
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)07-26-14
Posted By: dmjohn0x
Do you have this enabled in the Blizzard interface? Interface > Names > bottom right, check "Class Colors in Nameplates" Yep. It is turned on. It works for enemies in pvp. Their nameplates are colored correctly, but friendly targets both npc and players are always green and hard to distinguish. And enemy NPCs start out red, b...
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)07-26-14
Minor issues
Posted By: dmjohn0x
So, I only have two complaints so far. 1.) UI isn't saving certain things such as the minimap being resized. 2.) This is the big one for me. I CANNOT figure out for the life of me how to make nameplates colored per class. All friendly targets have green nameplates, half of the enemy nameplates are red until combat is initial...