Results: 823Comments by: Dridzt
File: Big Taxi Map05-18-24
Posted By: Dridzt
Very needed. I was making something for this going a different approach, guess I can shelve it now :o
File: Select10-19-23
local toyCache = {} for i=1,C_ToyB...
Posted By: Dridzt
local toyCache = {} for i=1,C_ToyBox.GetNumToys() do local toyID = C_ToyBox.GetToyFromIndex(i) if toyID and toyID > 0 then if PlayerHasToy(toyID) and C_ToyBox.IsToyUsable(toyID) then toyCache = {C_ToyBox.GetToyInfo(toyID)} end end end for k,v in pairs(toyCache) do print(k) print(v) end...
File: Select10-19-23
Re: Re: Collections now on Wrath Classic (3.4.3)
Posted By: Dridzt
I can't seem to find a way to use Select for Toys in Wrath Classic P4. Tried type:Toy and toy:any. Since 3.4.3 mounts, nocombat pets, toys and heirlooms have moved to the (new) collections interface. The update posted this afternoon support mounts but not toys. The toy API in WotLK appears to be a primitive version that will r...
File: Select10-16-23
Collections now on Wrath Classic (3.4.3)
Posted By: Dridzt
I can't seem to find a way to use Select for Toys in Wrath Classic P4. Tried type:Toy and toy:any. Since 3.4.3 mounts, nocombat pets, toys and heirlooms have moved to the (new) collections interface.
File: RatingBuster Classic03-06-23
Small change to scanning tooltip (StatLogic)
Posted By: Dridzt
Changes were made in 1.7.8 so removing the wall of text :o
File: Spell Toggle01-09-23
Wrath Classic
Posted By: Dridzt
Just a note that I'm still using this, it's not dead. It works as is on Wrath Classic Live (3.4.0) at time of posting. It only needs a minor dust off for 3.4.1 (currently on PTR) and it will continue working on that client as well. The fix needed is simply updating the .text parentkey to .Text (lowercase t to uppercase T)...
File: Grounded10-21-22
Wrath classic error
Posted By: Dridzt
Still seems to be working fine but it gives me this error on dropping a spell or item on the frame. 1x Grounded\Grounded-1.1.11.lua:232: attempt to index global 'C_ToyBox' (a nil value) :232: in function `Update' :93: in function `ShowInset' :179: in function `ButtonOnReceiveDrag' :1: in function <:1> Since I have your ear....
File: Select09-20-22
Re: Re: Select Icon
Posted By: Dridzt
But the icon and tooltip often shows me a random Handslot item. I'll take a look this week. It should show the headslot item last selected. In the meantime, you may find this useful to swap/use items by slot: /select equipslot:1 where 1 is the inventory slot (4 for shirt, 16 for mainhand weapon, 13/14 for trinkets, etc.) Ra...
File: Select09-19-22
Select Icon
Posted By: Dridzt
Is there some fuzziness about how it decides icon to use on selected item? This is on Wrath Classic prepatch but I think it's been happening for me for a while. I have a select macro with /select type:INVTYPE_HE It properly shows only Headslot items on the menu, works perfectly. But the icon and tooltip often shows me a ra...
File: Talent Sequence 209-07-22
that helps quite a bit actually. I...
Posted By: Dridzt
that helps quite a bit actually. I don't play anymore and don't have a subscription which made making the adjustment tough haha. I think I'll be removing IcyVeins to make this easier on myself too. Edit: As for level, talents still start at level 10 in Wrath, no? Oh that's what you get from cursory looks. I thought it was a...
File: Talent Sequence 209-07-22
Nice to see an update to this for W...
Posted By: Dridzt
Nice to see an update to this for Wrath :banana: From a quick look at the code it will need a small change to how it handles the wowhead sequence for wrath. It currently has 30 chars for it but wrath talents are 31 (per tab) Additionally it uses the simple caps check for maxed talents which will only work for the first 26 tale...
File: Stash09-03-22
On TBC Classic / Wrath prepatch if...
Posted By: Dridzt
On TBC Classic / Wrath prepatch if the option is selected to show item count on tooltips including guild banks, the texture for the guild bank is the green of "missing texture" (the one in the tooltip prefixing each count line) Minor thing I know :D
File: Select07-09-22
Is there a way to /select items wit...
Posted By: Dridzt
Is there a way to /select items with a Use: effect? Generic, not a particular spell name. Also is there a syntax for logical AND? The comma means OR far as I can tell from the examples. There is not a way to select items with a use effect. It may be interesting to add though I'm not sure yet what keyword it'd be. Maybe type:use?...
File: Select07-06-22
Is there a way to /select items wit...
Posted By: Dridzt
Is there a way to /select items with a Use: effect? Generic, not a particular spell name. Also is there a syntax for logical AND? The comma means OR far as I can tell from the examples.
File: Talent Sequence 201-20-22
Packaging issue
Posted By: Dridzt
Package is missing the addon folder. To make this into a proper addon the files need to be into a `IcyVeinsTalentSequence` folder as per your .toc name.
File: Stash12-20-21
Really nice :)
Posted By: Dridzt
The one thing Possessions had that I find myself missing in other addons is the ability you had to do /poss and have the frame popup with that search pre-populated. For people used to terminals it's such a convenience to be able to just `/stash felweed` and have the frame popup with the term pre-filled.
File: LS: Toasts07-08-21
Posted By: Dridzt
Does this register as a LibSink output? To route output from other addons to a toast.
File: GnomishVendorShrinker-BCC06-07-21
Hi, thank you for the update! Ju...
Posted By: Dridzt
Hi, thank you for the update! Just wanted to report an error when talking to Brave Stonehide, PVP vendor in Orgrimmar ( Sorry for not noticing the comment earlier. Edit Try 1.0.1
File: GearScore TBC05-31-21
You know people ..
Posted By: Dridzt
You know people hate and misuse this POS addon but you still bring it back ... :rolleyes:
File: AutoClam05-21-21
"No gnomes were harmed in the makin...
Posted By: Dridzt
"No gnomes were harmed in the making of this product":banana:
File: Pawn05-10-21
Re: Re: Hate to be that guy ..
Posted By: Dridzt
Hey! I don't have beta access so I haven't been able to start, but I expect that I'll at least make sure that it works and get the new stats in there. I'm hoping that I can dig up the old socket bonus code so I don't have to rebuild that stuff too. Is a BC Classic version something in our future? :o Good news. :banana: If it h...
File: Pawn05-10-21
Hate to be that guy ..
Posted By: Dridzt
Is a BC Classic version something in our future? :o
File: SinStats Character Stats [Classic & Cata]04-07-21
Small Bug
Posted By: Dridzt
Firstly, nice addon :) I tested on BC but I'm guessing the same error will be present in Classic version. Lines 349-353 of SinStatsConfig.lua need to be amended to this if SinStatsDB.minimap.hide then AddonTable.sshMiniButton:Hide("SinStatsHUD") else AddonTable.sshMiniButton:Show("SinStatsHUD") end Referencing the...
File: BastionLoot05-26-20
Hello and thank you for the amazing...
Posted By: Dridzt
Hello and thank you for the amazing addon. Is it possible to add timed EP bonuses like every 15, minutes? And does it automatically award EP on bosskills or is it manual? All EP awarding is manual. I'll confess that the addon is an idiomatic implementation of EPGP that suits my guild, I publish it as a courtesy for any th...
File: TopGun12-17-19
Re: ConfirmSummon is not a function ?
Posted By: Dridzt
I get this error on login. Just me? v1.3.8 Message: Interface\AddOns\TopGun\TopGun.lua:597: hooksecurefunc(): ConfirmSummon is not a function Time: Fri Dec 13 16:42:01 2019 Count: 1 Stack: Interface\AddOns\TopGun\TopGun.lua:597: hooksecurefunc(): ConfirmSummon is not a function : in function `hooksecurefunc' Interface\AddOn...