Results: 2Comments by: antiganon@gmail
File: Broker_WorldQuests09-26-16
Map window opening
Posted By: antiganon@gmail
Hello! Fantastic addon, I much prefer it to other world quest addons, as I am able to view the list without needing to open the world map or any other windows. I do have one request. Is there any way to prevent the world map from opening every time I add a quest to the tracker? Usually my preferred method is to add all the quests...
File: oUF_Diablo09-13-10
Cataclysm functionality?
Posted By: antiganon@gmail
Is there any way to make this mod work in the Cataclysm beta? Currently the textures work fine, the Orbs are animated, and the Health Orb functions properly, but the mana (focus since I'm a hunter) orb doesn't work. It stays full and displays 100 at all times.