Results: 2Comments by: Max_Vitor
File: LightHeaded04-28-11
It should, but I already had load o...
Posted By: Max_Vitor
It should, but I already had load outdated checked for other addons I was using and after the patch none of them worked, they only came back after I did what I said, so I'm inclined to think it was something that needed to be reset in one of the cache files. At least that's how it worked for me but I'm willing to defer to others who...
File: LightHeaded04-27-11
For those who lost lightheaded func...
Posted By: Max_Vitor
For those who lost lightheaded functionality with the 4.1 patch, go to addons option on the character page and turn off all addons, then load a character, once done exit the game, reload then go back into addons and turn everything back on, making sure to check the load outdated box, then go back and load a character as before, Light...