Results: 3Comments by: atirtanadi
File: Roth UI (Diablo)11-29-10
Hunter Pet Happy?
Posted By: atirtanadi
Hey Mr. Zork, I'm sorry just one more question - is there any way to tell if my hunter pet is happy, sad or angry? In the default ui there is a little face, but I don't see it here... am I just missing something? thanks again
File: Roth UI (Diablo)11-28-10
Re: Re: Names in the Raid frames
Posted By: atirtanadi
Hey I figured out an easy way to remove the damage text, keeping the names AND the class coloring ... in tags.lua where it reads: if max-min > 0 then hpval = "-"..func.numFormat(Max-min) just change the ">" to a "<" and problem solved! thanks Originally posted by zork Easiest way would be to change the tag in the oUF_D...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)11-27-10
Names in the Raid frames
Posted By: atirtanadi
Hey there, I really love the work you've done creating this ui. Just one question: I'd like to prevent "damage taken" from showing in the raid frames, so that I can see the names of players in the raid at all times. What part of the code should I comment out? thanks