Results: 3Comments by: Reiket
File: Barbol's UI09-28-11
Having troubles
Posted By: Reiket
I just installed this ui today and quite frankly, I love it. BUT my main problem is this. Whenever I go into combat my game locks up and I have to alt f4 out or start up the task manager to close it. Have I done something to cause it to do this? Or how do I fix this? My other question is, is there an easier way to keybind my butt...
File: Tarynn UI03-16-11
Nevermind, haha. Friend figured it...
Posted By: Reiket
Nevermind, haha. Friend figured it out for me :P
File: Tarynn UI03-16-11
D: /sadface
Posted By: Reiket
I can't seem to get this UI to work! And I'm really sad cause it looks like the perfect UI for me. When I log on, I enable all mods/out of date mods then I get on my character and I do the reflux switch and nothing happens.