Results: 3Comments by: Lightykiller
File: Barbol's UI08-19-11
Originally posted by jonashlarsen...
Posted By: Lightykiller
Originally posted by jonashlarsen can't seem to find it:( Try to track a reputation with a faction and then right away undo it. Then it should show ur exp bar, worked for me :p
File: Barbol's UI08-18-11
Re: Re: Dungeon finder
Posted By: Lightykiller
Originally posted by barbol12 this in lower left corner of the mini map Ah ty, it was hidden behind my bugsack.
File: Barbol's UI08-18-11
Dungeon finder
Posted By: Lightykiller
Hey there, Love the UI, though when i joined a dungeon i stumbled on a problem. I couldn't find the dungeon icon to tele in and out. i had tele'd out with my heartstone but then i couldnt see how to get back in. Am i just blind or is it hidden somewhere?