Results: 2Comments by: prelude
File: Satrina Buff Frames 305-17-09
Custom Sounds
Posted By: prelude
Is it possible (or is there a way) to somehow include Custom Sound Files to the 'Warning Sound' list located in the 'Expiry' Tab Options Menu? Thanks
File: BindPad - GUI to set keybindings for spell/item/macro04-27-09
When switching to my dual spec Bind...
Posted By: prelude
When switching to my dual spec BindPad does not recognize one line /castrandom macros. Example: /castrandom ability1, ability2 The castrandom function works if I do something like this. /castrandom ability1, ability2 /cast ability2 or if I first edit the macro to this and use it once in combat. //castrandom ability...