Results: 2Comments by: Eammon01
File: Clique04-16-09
Re: Re: DBM timer Macro for nubs
Posted By: Eammon01
Originally posted by Cladhaire Action bars are always numbered 1 - 120. You just need to find out what action a given button is using, and it will work correctly. damn your fast. ah ok, i see now. the thing that confused me was that there was two entry fields but thank you allot :D EDIT: All worked out well. The reason I use...
File: Clique04-16-09
DBM timer Macro for nubs
Posted By: Eammon01
So, i have been an avid user of your addon for a very long time and the few problems i have ever had have been answered in the threads and all bugs have been fixed instantly, i think your a really good coder and i look forward to see where clique goes in the future. My problem is trying to make a macro that incorperates a DBM time...