Results: 2Comments by: Starkgreyrok
File: Bongos211-16-07
Re: Re: XP bar displaying Rep instead of XP
Posted By: Starkgreyrok
Originally posted by Slakah That would be because your tracking a reputation faction. Go into your reputation tab under character frame find a faction with a tick next to it and then deselect it. Slakah, You were most very correct. Thank you muchly... :) Woody
File: Bongos211-16-07
XP bar displaying Rep instead of XP
Posted By: Starkgreyrok
Hi, I just have tried out Bongos. I have always been leery of mucking about with my interface bars, but I must compliment you on the ease of use and design. One thing though as the subject of the post states my XP bar displays rep instead of XP. Why would this be? Thanks Woody