Results: 3Comments by: Wraithlord2015
File: Ara Broker Guild Friends08-15-24
Update 11.02
Posted By: Wraithlord2015
Simple fix. Make sure to have the most recent version of the addon. In Ara_Broker_Guild_Friends.lua change line 1137: From { text = ("|cffffb366Ara|r Guild & Friends (%s)"):format( GetAddOnMetadata( addonName, "Version" ) ), isTitle = true }, To { text = ("|cffffb366Ara|r Guild & Friends (%s)"):format( C_AddOns.Get...
File: Spanky's Marking Bar12-22-22
Any update in the works for Dragonf...
Posted By: Wraithlord2015
Any update in the works for Dragonflight expansion?
File: LargerMacroIconSelection11-15-22
This addon being updated for 10.0?
Posted By: Wraithlord2015
This addon being updated for 10.0?