Results: 4Comments by: dglass
File: OmniCC10-01-07
More testing seems to indicate that...
Posted By: dglass
More testing seems to indicate that the timers that are showing up are the timers supplied by X-Perl. If I turn off the display of timers in X-Perl, no timers show up. If I turn on the display of timers, X-Perl's timers are displayed. No combination I can think of puts the OmniCC timers on the buffs or debuffs.
File: OmniCC09-29-07
Re: Re: Using with X-Perl
Posted By: dglass
Originally posted by Tuller Try disabling the blacklist (/omnicc blacklist) Yep, I've toggled that to make sure it is set properly: OmniCC: Showing cooldown text on all frames As a test I 'Renew'ed myself and that buff shows the timer, but Power Word: Fortitude does not. Perhaps that is normal behavior?
File: OmniCC09-29-07
Using with X-Perl
Posted By: dglass
The countdown doesn't appear on the buff/debuff icons when using X-Perl unit frames. Is there something I can modify in the code, or is that better left to you (Tuller)?
File: Gather Qty09-28-07
Apparently my memory is worse than...
Posted By: dglass
Apparently my memory is worse than I thought. It does show quantities for items underground so I removed that entry from the list of issues which triggered an 'updated' flag. The only thing that changed was the description. :rolleyes: