Results: 8Comments by: ryumo
File: ShieldBars08-19-24
The War Within Changes (Patch 11.0.2)
Posted By: ryumo
I had to take out and put in too many things to easily explain to get her moving again for the latest expansion, so until/unless the actual owner ever shows up, here:
File: ShieldBars05-26-24
MoP Remix
Posted By: ryumo
It took a solid day of swearing at whoever on the dev team decided to set up Frost Armor the way its unitbuff() return values shake out unlike every. Single. Other. Absorb. But I finally have a version of the addon works for Retail/MoP Remix. If anyone cares, I'll slap it up somewhere. The modifications are too involved and stupid...
File: ShieldBars05-08-24
Fix error in 10.2.7
Posted By: ryumo
To restore normal function, change every instance of SetJustifyV("CENTER") to SetJustifyV("MIDDLE") ...I know, I know, it's the pettiest possible LUA change, but somebody on the dev team was in love with it, so here we are.
File: ShieldBars11-24-22
Compatibility with 10.0.2...when I get a minute. And a clue!
Posted By: ryumo
Is anyone having any luck converting the tooltip parser after the black magic changes to how tooltips are handles in 10.0.2? For lack of time I've just ripped out the mechanism temporarily so right now it looks like this (lines 1232-1244): function ShieldBars:IsShieldSpell(spellID, spellSchool) if notShieldSpells then return...
File: ShieldBars10-26-22
Dragonflight Pre-Patch Compatability
Posted By: ryumo
To keep our precious baby boy alive for Dragonflight, so far these steps are effective: 1. Download the updated Ace-3 library and replace ShieldBar's older internal parts (found in ShieldBars/Libs) with the new equivalents. Note not all pieces will have a new version, but that's fine. 2. In ShieldBars.lua, make the following...
File: ShieldBars10-17-20
Patch 9.x Compatability
Posted By: ryumo
In case you're still using this (and why wouldn't you?) to track your absorbs, with a little duct tape you can make it compatible with the Shadowlands pre-patch. At line 1505 of shieldbars.lua is the function SetBar(), which is the thing that breaks under patch 9.01 due to changes in inheritance rules. In order to un-break it, add...
File: ShieldBars07-25-18
This wee addon has been my number 1...
Posted By: ryumo
This wee addon has been my number 1 as a mage for a long time, the shield bars are just perfect. Any chance of an update - doesn't appear to work at all this expansion patch 8.0.1. Many thanks! That's gonna be because the internals lean heavily on the behavior of UnitBuff() and UnitDebuff(), which was just changed for...S&M re...
File: flagRSP BC05-22-07
This works great, and is a lot easi...
Posted By: ryumo
This works great, and is a lot easier to cope with than a lot of the more topheavy solutions available. Plus, everything shows up fine. :) Thanks for keeping this working. We appreciate it.