Results: 4Comments by: jaxdahl
File: Tidy Plates: Threat Plates03-26-10
I'm using v5.10 Tidy Plates and v3....
Posted By: jaxdahl
I'm using v5.10 Tidy Plates and v3.0.1 of Threat plates. The client is freezing for about 300-500 milliseconds every time I select a new target or deselect one when there are a high number of nameplates visible (30+), typical areas are in Dalaran or the first room in Gun'drak. Everything is fine if I reset the variables for Tidy Plat...
File: RaidIdSaver09-11-09
Originally posted by mclagett Any...
Posted By: jaxdahl
Originally posted by mclagett Any chance of adding a bit more granularity to the mod and how it determines to fire the difficulty change? Right now the mod goes absolutely nuts any time people are moved around, or someone disconnects, etc. Ideally it should only change the difficulty when you are granted raid leader from someone....
File: RaidIdSaver09-08-09
Originally posted by xtoq Maybe I...
Posted By: jaxdahl
Originally posted by xtoq Maybe I'm confused, but I thought the person(s) who are saved have to zone in first to make the "griefers" get the option to be saved. Otherwise, if someone who isn't saved to your ID zones in when you're not there first, they get zoned into a new instance anyway. Is this not the case? That is not th...
File: Elkano's BuffBars12-05-06
Download link is still for 11200.
Posted By: jaxdahl
Download link is still for 11200.