Results: 7Comments by: Argentus
File: GSE: Advanced Macro Compiler02-18-17
Reporting an error
Posted By: Argentus
Hello, I though you would like to know this. Best Regards Date: 2017-02-18 11:22:37 ID: 3 Error occured in: Global Count: 90 Message: ..\AddOns\GSE\API\StringFunctions.lua line 46: bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got table) Debug: : gsub() GSE\API\StringFunctions.lua:46: UnEscapeString() GSE\...
File: GSE: Advanced Macro Compiler08-24-16
Modifier Key
Posted By: Argentus
Hello, Before anything, do excuse me if the question has been answered before in this thread; I honestly didn't have the time (yet) to read it all. Thinking what Locks used to do in WoW 6.x (i.e. save embers to fire a spread of Chaos Bolts at one given moment), I'd like to replicate it in GSE and spend my Soul Shards at my will...
File: Auctioneer08-20-16
Time for a Donation
Posted By: Argentus
Hello, I want to thank the developers for their continued efforts to keep Auctioneer updated and Alive. I also will be making a donation to help (humbly) maintain their servers, but mostly to express to them all my appreciation. I would be very happy if the Auctioneer's Users Community decides to follow the action. Once a...
File: Auctioneer08-13-16
Re: Updates in progress
Posted By: Argentus
The addon has NOT been abandoned, the authors are working on updates. If you are curious about the progress, you can follow this thread: Many Thanks on the info. I'm happily waiting for it :) On AddOns subject ... I believe B...
File: Auctioneer08-03-16
Re: Re: WoW 7.0.3
Posted By: Argentus
Hi there, First, let me congratulate you on the BEST addOn in your class in Warcraft. For years you have consistently given us an extraordinary tool. Thanks. That said, I'd like to ask for a date to a 7.0.3 release. I'm desperately waiting for it :) Cheers it's on in case you have not ye...
File: Auctioneer07-26-16
WoW 7.0.3
Posted By: Argentus
Hi there, First, let me congratulate you on the BEST addOn in your class in Warcraft. For years you have consistently given us an extraordinary tool. Thanks. That said, I'd like to ask for a date to a 7.0.3 release. I'm desperately waiting for it :) Cheers
File: SuperDuperMacro WoW 6.x07-04-15
The Problem persists
Posted By: Argentus
Date: 2015-07-04 08:51:40 ID: 1 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: line 9: CreateMacro() failed, already have 120 macros Debug: : CreateMacro() :9: in main chunk : RunScript() ...face\AddOns\SuperDuperMacro\SuperDuperMacro_Core.lua:277: sdm_DoOrQueue() ...face\AddOns\SuperDuperMacro\SuperDuperMac...