Results: 5Comments by: kellyislame
File: AzCastBar08-14-24
Blizzard broke it yet again :( I...
Posted By: kellyislame
Blizzard broke it yet again :( In "acb_Castbar/acbCast.lua" change line 47 and 48: local astral = GetSpellInfo(556); local hearth = GetSpellInfo(8690); to local astral = C_Spell.GetSpellInfo(556); local hearth = C_Spell.GetSpellInfo(8690); --- There was a couple more edits but I lost track since I've been updating...
File: AzCastBar08-13-24
Blizzard broke it yet again :(
Posted By: kellyislame
Blizzard broke it yet again :(
File: AzCastBar08-01-24
Re: TWW Update
Posted By: kellyislame
For anyone still using this it broke with TWW pre-patch (11.0) The fix is simple though: In "acb_Castbar/acbCast.lua" change line 132: local subText = GetSpellSubtext(spellID); to local subText = C_Spell.GetSpellSubtext(spellID); Thank you so much for sharing this!
File: AzCastBar07-23-16
You are amazing - thank you so, so...
Posted By: kellyislame
You are amazing - thank you so, so much! :D Let me know if the new update is causing issues, as I have no access to WoW to test it out myself.
File: AzCastBar07-21-16
Legion Pre-Patch
Posted By: kellyislame
Has anyone managed to get this working yet? I've tried everything's the only cast bar add-on I've used to customize my cast bar for years. I cannot, for the life of me, get it to work and I am a sad panda :(