Results: 3Comments by: damage8185
File: m_ActionBars03-14-11
Hey there, First off, thanks for...
Posted By: damage8185
Hey there, First off, thanks for the great addon, it's been fun configuring everything! I just have a question about the pet action bar. It seems like I can't add more abilities to it. For example, on my warlock, I have the following abilities on the pet bar: attack, follow, move to, aggressive, defensive, and passive buttons on m...
File: Duffed UI v509-12-10
Awesome ui! I was just wondering ho...
Posted By: damage8185
Awesome ui! I was just wondering how to clear the character cache to get an accurate on server gold count. I've recently name changed and it's counting the same character twice >.<
File: Duffed UI v512-26-09
Right Action Bars
Posted By: damage8185
First, I want to say I love the ui :D My issue is the right action bars, how do I keep them visible all the time without using mouseover? I tried going into !Tukui_config.lua and changing the option to make it not on mouseover, but it would not work. Thanks for the help!