Results: 3Comments by: Stufmenatooba
File: ForteXorcist09-14-09
This is a fantastic addon. Does eve...
Posted By: Stufmenatooba
This is a fantastic addon. Does everything I need it to do. I have just one small question. How do I get the name of the Cooldown Timer frame so I can parent a graphic panel to it? I tried the Macro ( /run ChatFrame1:AddMessage(GetMouseFocus():GetName()) ) and I get nothing when it's locked (no surprise, it doesn't intercept mouse...
File: Clique07-11-08
You have an addon which is doing so...
Posted By: Stufmenatooba
You have an addon which is doing something that causes the Clique UI to malfunction. You can verify this by disabling all addons except for Clique and testing it out. All you have to do is fine the addon and disable/update/remove it and let me know so I can try to figure out how it is causing this problem. Issue is with ag_UnitFra...
File: Clique07-10-08
I am unable to use the "buttons" al...
Posted By: Stufmenatooba
I am unable to use the "buttons" along the bottom the the Clique menu. This picture show that there is no "Options" feature available on my screen. I am also unable to click on any names on the bottom of it. I just want my Left Click to be Re...