Results: 2Comments by: Fenga
File: LUI v221102-13-10
Re: liitle question
Posted By: Fenga
Originally posted by Larios Firt off all i just want to say that i love this interface.... just have one problem, i want to use it for tanking. And i canīt find out how to enable alle trhe stuff on the targets target. So i have to see how many stacks of someting the boss made on the other tank. hope u know waht i mean hope u ca...
File: LUI v221101-25-10
hello Loui thanks for a great UI, b...
Posted By: Fenga
hello Loui thanks for a great UI, but i have a problem, after i updated addons, ofc it fucked up, then i replaced the new ones with urs again and it still fucks up, this is how it looks and this it what it sais Date: 2010-01-25 14:11:34 ID: 8 Error occured in:...