Results: 5Comments by: Jinnet
File: SuperVillain UI07-24-16
I have a question for when the UI g...
Posted By: Jinnet
I have a question for when the UI gets updated - Does anyone use the Let's Ride feature with a druid? How do you get it to use travel forms? (Joining everyone else in eager waiting for the update, all of my roommates have decided to switch to SVUI once it's back running!)
File: QuestGuru06-06-11
Blizzard Quest Anchor
Posted By: Jinnet
I'm not sure if this is a bug, or if there's a way to 'fix' this, but it's bothering me alot. I am seeing the default blizzard quest 'anchor' separately from the Questguru window, and it seems that I shouldn't, since I have Questguru enabled. Screenshot here. (The circle in pink is highlighting what I'm calling the quest an...
File: ForteXorcist05-05-10
Stupid question
Posted By: Jinnet
I paged through the comments and didn't see anything that fit my question, and it's a REALLY dumb question, but... How do I move the forte bars? I love the addon, but I want to reposition where they are on the screen, and the configuration window confuses the heck out of me. :( It's a great addon, please keep up the good work,...
File: Niconaze Ui03-28-10
Kg panels missing border and chat issue
Posted By: Jinnet
I'm really liking the ui thusfar, but I'm having a huge problem with the chat window somehow ending up locked, and not lining up properly with the kgpanel, wondering if anyone has a clue what addon is causing this, to try and save me hours of troubleshooting? Also, getting this error: kgPanels: failed to find artwork Aucun type...
File: Niconaze Ui03-28-10
Re: Re: What's this :(
Posted By: Jinnet
Originally posted by Niconaze Download the lastest version. In 2.2, the config files for statblockcore were missing. I think they're maybe missing in your latest version as well. I downloaded it to look at to help a friend, and had those blocks everywhere.