Results: 6Comments by: Bluejava
File: Tidy Bar04-07-10
Posted By: Bluejava
Many cheers from a happy shaman:D
File: Tidy Bar04-03-10
Re: Re: About tha totem bar bugg mon
Posted By: Bluejava
Originally posted by danltiger Hey, next time that issue happens... See if this corrects the prob.. /script TidyBar:UpdateUI() If so, I'll have to figure out what event to watch for, and trigger the function. yep "/script TidyBar:UpdateUI() " worked!
File: Tidy Bar03-22-10
About tha totem bar bugg mon
Posted By: Bluejava
It's not a critical error, it's just annoying sometimes: ) It usually occurs when you "zone in" example, when you join an arena game and when you see 30 secs until the game starts. Dunno if that can help you: ) When it's bugging the totembar simply hides under the upper action bar but there is still a little glimpse of every totem....
File: Tidy Bar03-01-10
Love the addon bro: )
Posted By: Bluejava
Any news on the Totembar bug:)? is it a tricky one?
File: Tidy Bar02-03-10
great addon
Posted By: Bluejava
First of all great addon! But there is a problem on my shaman. The secondary actionbar somtimes overlaps the totembar... very annoying:) or.. the totembar hides under the action bar if you understand Thanks!:) hope its possible to fix
File: FluidFrames03-12-09
some buggs with Fluidframes
Posted By: Bluejava
I think I have occured some buggs! When you sometimes steps out from a tank, your actionbars gets swapped:S really wierd can't explain it really.