Results: 2Comments by: Schlacht
File: Automaton12-17-06
AutoQueue needs to be changed.
Posted By: Schlacht
Hello, I'd like to request that you change the AutoQueue setting to be automatically disabled when a battlefield has been entered. I've been automatically taken OUT of one battleground to the next battleground too many times by this feature. I'd far rather have to reenable AutoQueue after each battleground rather than being fo...
File: AutoBuff [Emerald]10-24-05
I had noticed that the buff process...
Posted By: Schlacht
I had noticed that the buff process fails when casting of soul link is enabled but there is no pet out. Here's a little snippet of code I use in my self buff button to cast soul link when I have any demon but an imp out. The typePet variable will be nil when you have no demon (note that will will give the demon type for a few se...