Results: 15Comments by: coolui3
File: Kith's UI (Elv UI)05-05-10
Posted By: coolui3
For some reason IcLoot addon keeps giving me constant LUA errors, is this supposed to be happening? should i just ignore it or ???
File: Kith's UI (Elv UI)03-27-10
loot window
Posted By: coolui3
Hey just curious what you think could be causing my loot window to be over lapping my pitbull party frames, don't know how to move them either. I've tried reinstalling ui like 5 times and same thing happens over and over. Could it be because of the mini patch released on Friday? thnx
File: Bati's UI11-10-09
Posted By: coolui3
above recount where it shows healing done it shows anubs name and then to left shows POM tracker and heals done etc...what addon is that and why isnt it showing up when i raid ?
File: Kith's UI (Elv UI)05-01-09
Posted By: coolui3
sure did
File: Kith's UI (Elv UI)05-01-09
Posted By: coolui3
thanks for the quick replys man :D
File: Kith's UI (Elv UI)05-01-09
Posted By: coolui3
getting really high cpu usage while using this interface for some reason...could it be graphics too high? and you know anythin about error i mentioned earlier?
File: Kith's UI (Elv UI)04-30-09
grid error
Posted By: coolui3
keep gettin an error from grid when i reloadui/ log gettin same problem? something to the effect of Interface/AddOns/GridDynamicLayout/GridDynamicLayout.lua:5: Cannot find a library instace of SPecialEvents-Aura-2.0.
File: Kith's UI (Elv UI)04-30-09
Posted By: coolui3
i think one on the left is chatter correct? for whispers. but when i drag window down to that spot...whispers from diff people come up in seperate windows that just stack..and stack and stack on top of each other
File: Kith's UI (Elv UI)04-30-09
Posted By: coolui3
how do you have your chats split up in the two windows and how do you do it.
File: Kith's UI (Elv UI)04-30-09
Posted By: coolui3
nope ya didn't lol
File: Kith's UI (Elv UI)04-29-09
i mean
Posted By: coolui3
i mean it had the pictures yes with all the instructions but the first page to just download the addons and get them in your folder im just saying would be a little misleading to someone new to installing addons. And in the document and pictures etc it never specifies for hunters how to get the stats to show up side by side...By crit...
File: Kith's UI (Elv UI)04-29-09
Posted By: coolui3
it didnt unforunately and beginning of the doc is kind of misleading you dont tell people they have to rename files within the WTF folder etc... following just what you wrote wouldnt lead you to successfully install the addon lol
File: Kith's UI (Elv UI)04-29-09
Posted By: coolui3
any idea how to fix my other prob to get my stat thing on left side of ui to show hunter stats from left to right rather than being stacked ontop of each other and not in the bar?
File: Kith's UI (Elv UI)04-29-09
Posted By: coolui3
bunch of addons keep giving error about skin not being found in skinner directory?
File: Kith's UI (Elv UI)04-29-09
Posted By: coolui3
can't get SLDataText Statblocks to show hunter stats quite like yours do on left side for some reason...the stats appear stacked ontop of each other rather than side by side neatly on the bar like yours