Results: 2Comments by: Arteas
File: Serious Help In Timing04-27-09
Posted By: Arteas
This addon is based on you being level 80 with access to all of a Ret pally's abilities. Of course it's not going to work if you're on some low level toon. Didn't you read the description of the addon? It's based on FCFS rotation from Elitist Jerks, meaning it is about raiding and maximum DPS. Not leveling. I know it's for raidi...
File: Serious Help In Timing04-26-09
Posted By: Arteas
Currently I have tried uninstalling the mod and reinstalling it clean a couple of times, and disabling all other addons. S-hit is working up until I target something. Right now when I log on to my paladin, it will show JoW as my current and Consecration as my next (which is right according to my specifications). Unfortunately, whe...