Results: 3Comments by: Gaoren
File: oUF_Diablo06-05-09
Originally posted by zork If you...
Posted By: Gaoren
Originally posted by zork If you are advanced in editing oUF layouts yes, otherwise no. You need to comment out all the unit spawns except the one for player and you need to comment out the castbar function call inside of the player style. It's that hard eh? Curious, why can't/wouldn't you make a smoothing for Rbbs? If you d...
File: oUF_Diablo06-05-09
Is there a way to have just the Bar...
Posted By: Gaoren
Is there a way to have just the Bar, and Orbs (I don't want to use rbbs since there isn't any smoothing).
File: rBottomBarStyler05-25-09
Re: Re: rBottomBarStyler (Diablo)
Posted By: Gaoren
Originally posted by zork The smoothing is Roth UI only. So there is no chance of it ever coming to rBottomBarStyler?