Results: 5Comments by: Kappalol
File: MoveAnything04-22-10
Hide pet debuffs?
Posted By: Kappalol
Is there any way pet debuffs can be hidden? I enlarged the scale of my party members pet frame, and now it's debuffs are enormous. I really don't care to see them anyhow and I would just like to hide them. Short of that, could I scale them down?
File: Aloft03-26-10
Currently having an issue where cas...
Posted By: Kappalol
Currently having an issue where castbars "skip" around on enemy players. As in, the cast bar doesnt fluidly move from start to finish it jumps from lets say 10% > 90% > 20% > 50% > 100%
File: Shadowed Unit Frames11-07-09
class color
Posted By: Kappalol
How can I get the unit frames to display class color instead of color by health remaining?
File: Caith UI06-28-09
Just discovered that when i change...
Posted By: Kappalol
Just discovered that when i change spec (dual spec) the keybinds dont carry over. The abilities will take their correct place in the bars, but i will still have the old keybinds from the last spec. Any ideas?
File: Caith UI06-27-09
Self cast doesnt work?
Posted By: Kappalol
Amazing UI, however as soon as i installed it my alt key no longe rmakes my spells self-cast like they used to. I checked in the menu under interface and it says it's still my self-cast modifier, but it just wont work.... suggestions? EDIT: resolved this by checking options in BT :O