Results: 5Comments by: ZROGST
File: Altz UI02-29-20
Is there a way to access the Reagen...
Posted By: ZROGST
Is there a way to access the Reagent Bank Tab with this addon active? I've had to disable and reloadUI anytime I want to access it. Thanks for the UI, it's really beautiful.
File: oUF Skaarj09-17-12
hello skarj, thank you for the grea...
Posted By: ZROGST
hello skarj, thank you for the great frames. i'm having trouble with the layer for the rested icon on my player frame... here's a quick picture (seems to be set to be behind the special power bar) any quick fix? :(
File: SenitUI07-30-12
Thanks, cheers!
Posted By: ZROGST
Thanks, cheers!
File: SenitUI07-30-12
Hello! Great UI, really clean. I'm...
Posted By: ZROGST
Hello! Great UI, really clean. I'm having trouble modifying the text (dogtag?) for the Player Power bar. Right now it shows exact numbers of available resource (fantastic for a rogue who has 100 energy, for example) - it's not great for mana. How can I change the text to reflect % rather then exact total?
File: IshtaraUi08-12-09
Ish, when I installed the updated U...
Posted By: ZROGST
Ish, when I installed the updated UI it had your username pre-populated when I launched WoW. I know you prolly have an authenticator, but thought you might want to do an update just in case.