Results: 2Comments by: Carbon5300
File: LUI v221110-14-09
Re: Problem with the white information (ms,gold,guild,friends)
Posted By: Carbon5300
Originally posted by drunkhealer Hey all, well this white text is supposed to be in the upper bar, i have it in the middle of my screen and i cant find a way to move it up there. plz help type /sldt and then uncheck lock elements
File: LUI v221110-14-09
Posted By: Carbon5300
today the ui doesn't work for me. It looks like it does when you first get it and you don't put in the reflux command. I have load out of Date addons checked, and i installed it properly. It has been working for me since i got it last week. I use 1280x1024 and Ive typed /reflux switch LUI_1280