Results: 4Comments by: Dayhok
File: Zookii UI11-26-10
Posted By: Dayhok
Thanks for your response, I got the kgpanels part taken care of. Its the chat windows, I need to creat an additional one so I can split the trade/gen/etc off from guild/party and everytime I try to creat a new chat panel I get an error. its there in the rogue shot, but on the druid and paladin shot you can see its missing from the...
File: Zookii UI11-26-10
UI Issuses
Posted By: Dayhok
To start off I really like the UI overall, but it has me pulling my hair out right now. I couldnt figure out how to move the bottom text on each side (couldnt find the frame in move anything) so I did a complete reinstall. First toon, the rogue went fine, everything came back. the paly and the druid however, my right chat fra...
File: Zookii UI10-20-10
SBF not allowing buff click off
Posted By: Dayhok
I have been through all the oprions and tried them various ways, cant figure out how to set it so that I can click off the buffs. Comes as an issuse right now to remove the holiday costumes. cant mount or cast with them on and have no way to get rid of them except letting them time out. Any help on this issuse would be much apprec...
File: Zookii UI10-19-10
strange honor listing
Posted By: Dayhok
] See the Honor 844 to the left of my toon? Anyway to move that block? I have tried. Thanks in advance