Results: 4Comments by: mpeg
File: BindPad - GUI to set keybindings for spell/item/macro10-30-10
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Dual-spec not working
Posted By: mpeg
Originally posted by Tageshi Older BindPad was just a interface of Blizzard API SetBinding. It's normal to remember bindings for spells. IF only if you didn't reuse same key for that old bindings. Did you? If older binding is comimg back overriding newer binding, it must be some other addon doing that. I finaly found the caus...
File: BindPad - GUI to set keybindings for spell/item/macro10-30-10
Re: Re: Re: Re: Dual-spec not working
Posted By: mpeg
Originally posted by Tageshi What happens when you make backup of WTF and removed it from WoW folder and setup from the initial state again? Is that change any situation? And how did you changed bindings? Please write about your specific 'change' with spellname and key names and which profile would have which bindings if BindP...
File: BindPad - GUI to set keybindings for spell/item/macro10-28-10
Re: Re: Dual-spec not working
Posted By: mpeg
Originally posted by Tageshi Click Profile1 tab icon or Profile2 tab icon whichever you like to use. It's on the right edge of BindPad. Yes, I know, both Profiles share the same keybindings. The Profiles are automaticaly switching with respec, but if I change bindings in profile1, it's also changed in profile2.
File: BindPad - GUI to set keybindings for spell/item/macro10-28-10
Dual-spec not working
Posted By: mpeg
Hi, I've written this in comments on curse, but maybe not as clear as I'll do now. I have a major problem with BPad - both talent specs share the same keybindings. So after I switch a spec, I must manually change the keybindings for it's spells. It's not only annoying, it's also a matter of life and death if I forget to change the...