Results: 4Comments by: abn13
File: Altz UI12-06-16
Re: Re: MultiActionBar Problem
Posted By: abn13
I have been using this UI for a few months now, and I love it! I have been playing my paladin, I recently switched over to my Shaman and I cannot place anything on the MultiActionBar. I have turned off the Hover Fading and the Conditional Fading turned them on one at time turned them both on, no difference noted. Has anyone ha...
File: Altz UI12-06-16
MultiActionBar Problem
Posted By: abn13
I have been using this UI for a few months now, and I love it! I have been playing my paladin, I recently switched over to my Shaman and I cannot place anything on the MultiActionBar. I have turned off the Hover Fading and the Conditional Fading turned them on one at time turned them both on, no difference noted. Has anyone ha...
File: Altz UI11-14-16
Message: Interface\AddOns\AltzUI\mo...
Posted By: abn13
Message: Interface\AddOns\AltzUI\mods\panels\panels.lua:765: attempt to call local 'min' (a number value) This can be fixed if you change line 753: local name, reaction, min, max, value, factionID = GetWatchedFactionInfo() to: local name, reaction, minXP, max, value, factionID = GetWatchedFactionInfo() Thank you That wo...
File: Altz UI11-13-16
Error appears to be experience bar
Posted By: abn13
Message: Interface\AddOns\AltzUI\mods\panels\panels.lua:765: attempt to call local 'min' (a number value) Time: 11/13/16 16:54:51 Count: 5 Stack: Interface\AddOns\AltzUI\mods\panels\panels.lua:765: in function Locals: self = AltzUI_ExperienceBar { 0 = border =...