Results: 8Comments by: Antiblank
File: Guild Alliance06-19-07
I just want to clarify something....
Posted By: Antiblank
I just want to clarify something. I'm on Toon A on Account A in Guild A. I add Toon X in Guild X. They add me, we now see each other. I log on Toon B on Account A in Guild A. Toon X in Guild X no longer sees me nor do I see them. So just to be clear I will need to add someone from Guild X or each of my accounts. Also...
File: DuckieBank05-22-07
"Being a dedicated banker:" #Che...
Posted By: Antiblank
"Being a dedicated banker:" #Cheer# Thank you can't wait to go try it out now.
File: DuckieBank05-09-07
Pretty much, I just want to be able...
Posted By: Antiblank
Pretty much, I just want to be able to play my main account, but recieve some type of notice when requests are made to the bank mules, which reside on a second account. I sent you a PM with ideas about security and more details, thanks.
File: DuckieBank05-08-07
Feature Request
Posted By: Antiblank
I'm not sure if it's possible but if there was one feature I could hope for it wouldn't be tracking but something else information based. I'm GM for our guild and run a second account for all of our guilds banks (6 so far). While your mod makes it great in finding out what people request simply by logging in, the one thing I coul...
File: DuckieBank04-28-07
Just verified a 'fix' for it. Re...
Posted By: Antiblank
Just verified a 'fix' for it. Remove the character reporting their level incorrectly from the guild. Reinvite them, promote them back to "Banker" and have them relog. A quick log out, log in and all is fixed.
File: DuckieBank04-28-07
I had to open the .lua file and cha...
Posted By: Antiblank
I had to open the .lua file and change the debug mode to True inside of that, doing it in game just kept it set to false. But sure enough I log in and it's reporting that bank as it's old rank "Altar Boy" instead of the new rank "Banker".
File: DuckieBank04-28-07
Limit 2
Posted By: Antiblank
I've tried installing the mod and so far for 2 banks it's outstanding but it stops there. I've created the Banker rank, and moved 5 characters on my guild's bank account to that level. Then I logged in with each one of them. Problem is only the first 2 show up as bankers for the mod. They were able to send their data fine and o...
File: FuBar 3.6.502-21-07
Originally posted by holdstrong Y...
Posted By: Antiblank
Originally posted by holdstrong Yep... Titan comes pre-packaged with the basics. Such as clock. Wonder if it is possible to have the same for Fu Try using the updater from 1 click and you update all your fubar mods as well as ace mods.