Results: 4Comments by: Firiel
File: Bonuses03-08-07
Re: itemlibs
Posted By: Firiel
Originally posted by Stavmar I got an error in bugsack saying that it could not fin itembonuslib-1.0. I have this library in its external form. A seperate folder called ItemBonusLib downloaded using the WAU form wowace. But Bonuses did not pick it up. I am attempting to copy just that library into the folder to see if that might...
File: PerfectRaid09-13-06
Sorry if the question have been ask...
Posted By: Firiel
Sorry if the question have been ask, but there is a way to show the group numbers in this version ? (ligne /praid select number before).
File: FuBar - QuestsFu09-01-06
With the french client i've this er...
Posted By: Firiel
With the french client i've this error on load, and FuBar_QuestFu don't load : 2006/09/02 00:31:25-107]: FuBar_QuestsFu\QuestsFu.lua:8: AceLocale-2.1: Cannot SetLocale to frFR for Forme de sélénien, It has not been registered. : in function `error' AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua:106: in function `error' AceLocale-2.1\Ace...
File: EasyPriest04-26-06
Emergency Monitor
Posted By: Firiel
Ce que j'aimerais bien moi c'est un module similaire a "Emergency Monitor" de CT Raid. Avec en plus (soyons fou) la gestion du click & Heal à la cEasyHealer :)