Results: 2Comments by: Hevnsaveme
File: Grid10-18-14
I just updated grid and I got the f...
Posted By: Hevnsaveme
I just updated grid and I got the following error in chat when I logged in and it also appeared several time when I was in AV. ClearIndicator: iconTLcornerright does not exist ClearIndicator: iconBLcornerleft does not exist ClearIndicator: iconBRcornerleft does not exist ClearIndicator: iconTRcornerright does not exist ClearIn...
File: Altz UI09-19-12
Question about target mouseover panel
Posted By: Hevnsaveme
Really loving this UI! I do have a question, when I mouse over a player/mob, the information panel is right over on the bottom right corner, can I move this at all? See the panel i'm talking about in the image below (circled in white)... Oh and also, the battlenet friends toast popup - can that be moved too? EDIT: Found the sol...