Results: 5Comments by: DooMijasz
File: HydraUI - Supports all game versions07-28-21
Is there a way to show only debuffs...
Posted By: DooMijasz
Is there a way to show only debuffs on a player nameplate instead of all buffs?
File: Altz UI01-05-21
The update on dec 27th doesn't have...
Posted By: DooMijasz
The update on dec 27th doesn't have any notes about what's been hotfixed but seems the bug with Torghast map + game freeze hasn't been solved. I found out that the game freeze is tied to the quest tracker. Enabling "Custom Objective Tracker" solves the freezing. So for now I just use default blizzard quest tracker and had no issue...
File: Altz UI12-11-20
The UI works well most of the time...
Posted By: DooMijasz
The UI works well most of the time but I have encountered 2 bugs that is reproduced quite easily but it doesn't throw any errors or something and such can't really be checked or provide an error/bug text. When in the Maw, upon entering the area of the Wrath of the Jailer event, I almost always get a game freeze that can last anyth...
File: Altz UI11-21-20
Re: Re: Re: Re: Quest tracker overlap
Posted By: DooMijasz
Hey Paopao! I haven't seen you this active in comment section for years. Does this mean you are back to WoW? Any plans for developing AltzUI further with more features etc? yes:banana: Fantastic! I'm using your UI for years and im glad to see you back! You are awesome!
File: Altz UI11-18-20
Re: Re: Quest tracker overlap
Posted By: DooMijasz
Hey Paopao! I haven't seen you this active in comment section for years. Does this mean you are back to WoW? Any plans for developing AltzUI further with more features etc?