Results: 3Comments by: Bao
File: Altz UI08-12-20
I've been using this UI since WoD a...
Posted By: Bao
I've been using this UI since WoD and I love it, but I've noticed issues over the years (some I've learned to live with). Often, the action bar numbers will display incorrectly, showing 1,2,3, etc where in fact actions 2,3,4 etc are. It's only one number off, but when you've got a new skill, or have changed talents and glance dow...
File: Altz UI07-10-19
Re: Re: UI Failure with Popup Confirmation Boxes
Posted By: Bao
Since the BfA update, I've been having issues with Altz failing to successfully produce the confirmation popup box for... well, everything. Death releases, pet battles, vendor purchases, etc. The issue persists even when Altz is the only enabled addon. overwrite your AltZ with this this fixed...
File: Altz UI07-10-19
UI Failure with Popup Confirmation Boxes
Posted By: Bao
Since the BfA update, I've been having issues with Altz failing to successfully produce the confirmation popup box for... well, everything. Death releases, pet battles, vendor purchases, etc. The issue persists even when Altz is the only enabled addon. Here's the error I'm getting: Message: Interface\FrameXML\StaticPopup.lua:5175:...