Results: 2Comments by: Bonk210
File: RandomMount-TBC06-14-21
Re: Re: Engi Flying mounts
Posted By: Bonk210
It does indeed seem like the eng mounts are not of type "Mount". I've updated the code to also look at item type "Devices" which is the type of the turbo charged eng mount at least. Version 0.0.7 should have this fixed. The macro doesn't appear to work anymore. Push it and nothing happens Edit: I downloaded .08 which appears t...
File: RandomMount-TBC06-14-21
Engi Flying mounts
Posted By: Bonk210
It seems engi flying mounts aren't included? The macro will always mount me on my windrider and never my engi only mount. Unless maybe I have an old version. Edit: I looked at the LUA and the mount is in the LUA I'm not sure why it's not working. Perhaps the engi mount's item type isn't mount? I have no idea how to look that...