Results: 6Comments by: Sylfi
File: PlayerRating01-04-07
Now fixed for WoW 2.0. Added the a...
Posted By: Sylfi
Now fixed for WoW 2.0. Added the ability to browse all exisiting ratings. Ratings also now expire after not seeing the player for 100 player-hours. Any interaction resets the countdown.
File: PlayerRating11-21-06
Version 1.3 now has the option to d...
Posted By: Sylfi
Version 1.3 now has the option to disable showing ratings of 0 in tooltips / chat.
File: PlayerRating11-20-06
Thanks for catching that Nogudnik....
Posted By: Sylfi
Thanks for catching that Nogudnik. I accidentally forgot to call the OnUpdate and OnHide scripts for the tooltip after I hooked them. Version 1.2.1 fixes this. Can you check and make sure that it resolves that conflict with Informant? Regarding the chat code, I personally like the : 0 beside names (I tells me that it's working) bu...
File: PlayerRating10-19-06
Re: Re: Re: Interesting, can it be hooked into the ignore system?
Posted By: Sylfi
Using it today, I noticed a bit of a conflict with GuildenTipper (, both trying to write to the same place in the tooltip. Not a huge deal. I'm finding that's the life of a mod developer, not knowing what every other mod is doing that will conflict with your mod. I will...
File: PlayerRating10-18-06
Re: Interesting, can it be hooked into the ignore system?
Posted By: Sylfi
Originally posted by nogudnik I like the idea, and I'll certainly have to try this out. I've been shopping around for a mod like this, with a few more features. Speaking of, any chance you're looking at hooking this into the ignore system so that characters with a rating below 'x' are ignored in chat windows and highlighted in t...
File: PlayerRating10-11-06
Re: *downloading*
Posted By: Sylfi
Added the screen cap showing how the ratings are displayed in the tooltip.